The Obamas are producing a Netflix comedy series about the Trump administration

There are a lot of people who didn’t support Trump but have no idea how grotesquely absurd the transition was and the general incompetence of the Trump administration. And yeah, I don’t think they’re likely to reach Trumpers, especially if they know Obama was involved, but if there’s any possibility of reaching those people, this would be it - by stealth.

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There may also be some [smallish?] percentage of Trump supporters who were towing-the-line mostly out of habit, but who secretly in their heart-of-hearts have some doubt because they’ve started to notice that even many respected republicans have been speaking out against trump’s recent blatherings, which, when combined with them hearing trump blathering incoherently on TV make them start to wonder if they’ve been lied to about him being the greatest president, nay, person ever in the history of the world by fox news. Those people may start to recall how things like their jobs were better under Obama, how the economy kept getting better under Obama, and how Grandma did not die from a pandemic under Obama, and how Obama was mobilizing pandemic response teams to stop things like Sars and Ebola from spreading, and how Trump dismantled those response teams and told them they should inject bleach and it would all go away like a miracle and that the stock market (which they themselves can only dream of having money to invest in) is much much much more important than Grandma’s life, or their own. Some of those people might sneak a peak at Obama’s presentation, if they think nobody will catch them doing it.

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Comedy show? Too late, the Trump’s already did it.

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I’m not going to be able to see the humor in the Trump Administration as a whole until at least January 21st, 2020. There have been some funny moments though. At his point making a series about it is like making a movie about a Saturday Night Live skit. It might work but it could bomb horribly.

Should be seeing it now then.

They were the blurst of times.

What year is it again?

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It’s the year of the dogs, of course. Dogs everywhere. Except around here, where it’s bears, pumas, wild turkeys, and maddened squirrels, the latter most likely being Tramp supporters. I mean, just listen to them!

Okay then, it’s the year of the squirrels.

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The sooner we can expunge Donny Boy et al from our waking minds, the better. Alas, that may take a century or more. I don’t watch TV anyway so Netflix can go stuff itself, I won’t notice.

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Netflix is not TV. TV is free.
No Thanks Obama.

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