The Orange Show is a folk art installation dedicated to a beloved citrus fruit

Originally published at: The Orange Show is a folk art installation dedicated to a beloved citrus fruit | Boing Boing


Neat! I should go!


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This place has a special outsider art place in my heart. My first college girlfriend worked there thirty years ago and was from the East End neighborhood where the Orange Show is located. Definitely Houston’s OG Watts Towers from back when highly eccentric persons could become “naïve artists” rather than QAnon flat earthers.

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When I used to live in Houston, I went here with my wife for an art project for one of her college classes, and we took a bunch of pictures (many of which featured a ball-joint doll we brought along for the project). It’s definitely worth a visit if you’re in the area.

ETA: Here’s one of the pictures (sans the doll):


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