Originally published at: The reckoning of Marilyn Manson | Boing Boing

Who We Believe
A woman's word weighs less than a man's. But when violent men tell us who they are, we don't believe them, either.
Originally published at: The reckoning of Marilyn Manson | Boing Boing
was that parody?
trying to bring back the worst memories of the bullshit of gamergate?
Hi “miranda”… welcome to boing boing, where victim blaming is frowned upon.
Evan Rachel Wood already famous.
She was already really famous before she made the allegations public.
She’s the lead on one of the biggest shows on HBO.
This can only hurt her career.
Yeah, but see, she wants to be more famouser, even though she’s already more famous than Manson… Duh! Wimmins always lie and LOVE the attention of being called names and being endlessly harassed and doxxed… Didn’t you know? Didn’t you get the super sekret memo about making men second class citizens by making false accusations!?! Get with the program, Rebecca! /s
For someone known for edgy, sexual, dark music this news did not surprise me or my gf. Disappointed because we were both fans but the allegations do ring true, and unlike some people, we’d like to believe victims of abuse.
Lol, the SATC gif is *chef’s kiss* perfect. It’s a shame it’ll go away when the replied-to post gets deleted, 'cause your response ought to be preserved in the annals of BBS history.
I don’t think that writing that kind of music necessarily equates to being abusive, though.
like the flowers of spring, enjoy it while it lasts.
No of course not but i’m just not surprised
I’m not surprised too, cause the guy has always seemed like an edgelord dick.
Just wanted to put that point out there, though, as some people will very much try to make that connection.
exactly. expressing your demons through art, so you dont have to be your demons.
i note that management must have agreed with you because offensive miranda is gone while the joy of anime remains. frabjous!
don’t worry, today’s heroes will disappoint today’s teenagers someday
Yes, because disappointed teenagers is the real problem here… not abusive assholes who get away with sexual assault because the industry they work in lets them.
If your meaning here is that we still haven’t cleaned out misogyny and bigotry from “stardom” and the youth of today will still be discovering the transgressions of today’s stars decades from now, then I find that to be depressingly likely.
Some flags were thrown on your post that suggested there may have been another interpretation, so I wanted to clarify on behalf of those users or anyone else who may have taken your comments to mean something other than the above.
Well, I’ve found that as I age, I get less and less surprised to find out that when someone famous’ behaviour is “edgy,” “dark,” “transgressive,” etc etc etc, sometimes its not because they are making deep statements about modern culture through irony, inversion, and empowerment, but because they are in fact assholes.
Damn, looks like I’m late to the party again.
This can only hurt her career.
There was a really great article by Jill Filipovic in Substack regarding Wood’s accusations and this terrible dynamic. She does a brilliant job of drawing parallels to trump and his white supremacist base. I was looking for somewhere to share it. Highly recommend.
A woman's word weighs less than a man's. But when violent men tell us who they are, we don't believe them, either.
Who We Believe
A woman’s word weighs less than a man’s. But when violent men tell us who they are, we don’t believe them, either.
Quoting this because people should read it, and then read it again. What Manson said back then was entirely believable, and what’s craziest about this whole crazy shite is that Wood is essentially confirming Manson’s accounts of his abuse of her. And still people don’t believe.