thanks! I know what I’m going as!
wait, did you carve it, or were you teaching class and a few bewildered-looking students interrupted your lecture, directed you to the art room, where you found the jack-o-lantern as carved by your fully-blind student?
Now, that’s creepy.
I’d just like to point out that the sexy costumes are, in fact, horror related. Because nothing horrifies American society more than women expressing their sexuality. And when you have teenagers in sexy outfits, well, that’s downright terrifying.
That doesn’t help.
Because nothing horrifies American society more than women expressing their sexuality.
Agreed, the story told in this video is pretty creepy. I posted it more for the younguns who maybe wouldn’t get the reference.
Does this?
You know, I was mildly intrigued by TapKing, so I looked it up
Entered in my birth date, and my nation of residence, and received the following message
We support the responsible consumption of and promotion of Alcohol.
This content is restricted to those over the legal drinking age.
Drinkwise Australia
Is Aussie Beer just too strong for the rest of the world?
Sexy costumes you say? Not all of our costumes are sexy …
Not really, it’s just that the megabreweries here are required by law to help prevent irresponsible drinking behaviour.
This includes dissuading foreigners from accidentally consuming Australian beers in case people get it confused with a product that’s actually drinkable. The horror of inflicting XXXX, Carlton or VB on an unsuspecting foreign palate… it just doesn’t bear thinking about.
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