The Selma Confederates: 'I want to protect, defend and preserve my white race'


‘I want to protect, defend and preserve my white race’

Why? I mean. . . if your great great great grandkids are not white, what will you care, you’ll be long dead? Preserve the white race for what, some hypotheticall future all-white golden age you won’t be alive to see? Seems to me the people of the future can live any way they decide to, and don’t need you “preserving” some kind of racial hegemony.

Goddamned star-bellied sneetches.


23andMe just released a study not long ago claiming that white southerners have relatively high concentrations of African DNA, and likely African ancestors within seven generations:


Betcha a quarter that if he underwent genetic testing, he would turn out to have African genes. Black African genes. probably within the past four generations, too. Could be kind of cool to see his head asplode.

You can say the same about nearly any “race.” The reason traditional racial categories are not useful is because they don’t reflect the “shared” ancestry people assume they imply. There are genetic groups in Africa with more genetic distance between them than between them and Europeans.

The concept of racial identities just isn’t a very useful way to describe humans. It really is as silly as that old Star Trek episode with the black-and-white faced guys made it out to be.

If people would say “I want to preserve my cultural group’s (possibly racist) memetic identity!” then that would at least be a valid argument.


Wow. 12.5% of “white” people in South Carolina have a relatively recent African ancestor. What’s interesting that “black” people in South Carolina also have the lowest percentage of European ancestry. So South Carolina has both the blackest whites and the blackest blacks.


How is it not legal to shoot these jagoffs as traitors?

A lot of white slave owners fathered illegitimate progeny via their slaves, so that would explain the “blackest whites” part. Not sure why they’d also have the “blackest blacks” though.

As I remember it during childhood in NYC and Boston some of the older folks still called Italians and Irish by the n-word. This during the 70’s, on the streets and in the “underworld”.

It was a theme of the now infamous “Whitey” Bulger, that the Irish were treated like Blacks and Italians but they were neither and he was taking care of that. And, partly during his reign, the worst racial violence of the time took place between Irish South Boston and Black Roxbury and Dorchester, making Boston the most violent city in the country, even as the North Boston Italian mob was pretty much run out of business. The hitters sent up from Providence and NYC every couple of years to eliminate Whitey all vanished silently.

Of course, forced busing and Whitey’s intimacy with the local FBI, the State Police and the District Attorney, all played major roles in the place and times. But I wouldn’t discount Whitey as a individual point on societal wave drenched in prejudice and bigotry. Although African Americans have a longer and more brutal history of oppression in this country to overcome, the Irish and Italians coming to America were fleeing terrible situations only to fight there way out of here.

Unfortunately, since we don’t have access to a star-on and star-off machine, it will take generations to educate people that “racial” identities are useless and should be treated as natural variations in humanity, much like eye colour or blood type.

That is, if we ever start to make any progress at all. Lots of people who should know better seem very keen to keep and reinforce these binaries which plague us.

Same guy that did those is responsible for Mt. Rushmore.

I personally don’t understand -isms. Blending and mingling allows other people’s strengths to cover your weaknesses and yours theirs all while the free exchange of ideas makes the whole better.

I think the race concept is a baseless attempt to apply the murky enough idea of species, or subspecies, to humans. It derives from the stereotyping and categorizing that our brain does to get an initial foothold on organizing our environment from moment to moment. The problem is, 99.99% of the population is too adverse to the actual process of intelligent thought–as opposed to manically arranging emotions–and to individuality–as opposed to a damaged core self hiding behind conformity–to move on from simplistic ideas. Consequently they invest their subsequent failings, frustrations and growing personal losses into hating the “other.”

This sick syndrome is sealed by a need to offset stress about the “other” through belong to a “clan.” Then follow violent reprisals against perceived broken rules and violations that threaten to make one face one’s own worthlessness and emptiness. To the extent bigotry is successful in eliminating the “other,” it becomes faced with an out-of-control, spiraling demand for more and more “others.” e.g., The Third Reich.

However attempting to resolve an underlying sense or worthlessness and emptiness with hate and violence only magnifies the worthlessness because any sense of self worth is based on suffering, destruction and death. Most bigots are in denial about or can’t remember the original feelings that lead to their bigotry. Maybe they never got a clear bead on their own feelings at all as they inherited they illness from their parents. They simply project a love for their clan who they perceive as violated and a hate for the other to whom they attribute a litany of loathsome characteristics. (It is very common pattern outside of racism or bigotry too, in many small ways and in many less obvious ways that don’t occur to the person doing it at the time.) It is an incarnation of the only evil I am sure of, infatuation with a failing self.

The only way out of a failing core self that I can think of is seeking out and accepting others, especially “the other,” until the other no longer exists. It is the last thing in the world a deeply and truly insecure person wants to do. Through that, one might find a self in oneself and leave the suffering behind. I don’t guarantee it though. Maybe evil is its own thing. I don’t know.


Yes, but Scots-Irish wasn’t (and sometimes still isn’t) considered the same as Irish, not least because they were Protestant. They were/are the descendants of the settlers sent in by James VI & I (the Plantation of Ulster) to keep a lid on the natives. (This is the same ethnic/religious divide that resulted in the Troubles in Northern Ireland.)


I realize that it’s not all Southerns, but it is amazing the amount of butt hurt some of them still have over the Civil War, Lincoln, etc. Their sort of revisionist history is astounding.

“It was about state’s rights!” Yeah, the right to own slaves.


I would wager that the majority of those old Selma Confederate boys, just like Senator Strom Thurmond’s daughter and the rest of us, have significant African American ancestry.

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Essentially, after the abandonment of Reconstruction, the South was converted into a colony, with the old plantation class as comprador bourgeoisie.

Social Security / Medicare tax covers the first moving-target-around-100K of income (and it’s somewhere between 10-15% if you include the part that either employers or self-employed people pay) California income taxes go up to about 10%, sales tax is 9-10% on things it affects, everything you buy from a corporation has already been hit with corporate taxes, real estate tax isn’t cheap, it adds up.

But the guy’s totally making stuff up about slaves getting to keep 90% of the value they produced - sharecroppers were lucky to get close to 1/2 or 1/3 of the value of the cotton they produced, after their former slaveowners / current landlords did the accounting, and slave owners (who were in that business for money) would have happily freed slaves if they could go from taking 10% of their work value to 70%.

Because they haven’t made war against the US, even though their great-great-grand-pappy did, and they haven’t had a fair trial, and traditionally traitors got hanged; you’re not allowed to just do it yourself.

Also don’t forget the “tax break” you get when hitting $110k a year in ordinary income (I.e. social security gets knocked off your payroll deductions). I have no sympathy for those that complain about taxes (said while writing a check to the IRS :smiley:)

Actually, it was about ethics in race journalism.