The Selma Confederates: 'I want to protect, defend and preserve my white race'

Well, bless their hearts! I snark.

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There’s a bit of disconnect between Mt Rushmore and Stone Mt Georgia.

He abandoned the project in 1925 when people didn’t really care any more.

It was only in 1964, and 1965 that the project got funding from the state and population of GA, in response to MLK becoming popular and affecting political movements.

That was a direct “Fark YOU” you to MLK and civil right’s acts and laws. The project was in limbo before that (civil rights) made it an issue to white people in GA…and the project was moved to the front burner and completed in less than 8 years.


I really love the fact the Edmund Pettus Bridge is now a symbol of triumph over racism…and not a memorial to a Klan Leader.

Please don’t change the name.

Eugene member of Insane Peckerwood Syndicate gang sentenced to prison

K so I had a couple and this seems timely and related and very weird and the white supremacist and the courthouse are in my town. At first glance he doesn’t look white to me at all. I’d say he is trying to look Hispanic. I didn’t research him yet.

I must properly scan the Polaroid pictures we took this weekend at Selma

Vintage polaroid 100 camera with Fuji BW film.

We gave away most of the pictures…people love instant things…things they can hold.


I don’t know, I wasn’t really impressed by this at all. It seemed like the flip side of what fox news does when they cherry pick some inarticulate/uneducated/maybe intoxicated/racist person of color, grab the camera’s & mic and interview them as if they are spokespeople for the masses. Chose the best/most inflammatory statements and juxtapose them against some clean cut people who speak your audiences dialect and presto: you’ve got clickbait & a bunch of comments like "I can’t believe the stupid thing said by the stupid person in that video… "
Congratulations, you’ve found some openly racist southerners. dang if only we could have got one to loose their temper and use the n-word…
so, yeah, I"m not really impressed by the story, even if it is on the right side.

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Welcome to BoingBoing.


Some already have been. Every time I am presented with a form or survey asking my race, one of the choices is always “white (non-Hispanic)”.

This guy needs to have a look at his DNA ancestry.


My understanding is that ‘hispanic’ has some extra complications, less visible in the US, much more visible in former Spanish colonial holdings(sometimes accompanied by some rather nasty ethnic hierarchy formation); because you have (in addition to all sorts of other stuff, in smaller quantities) a combination of the indigenous population, the Spanish and Portuguese colonists(who may or may not have had a little ‘moor’ in them, given that the Reconquista was still pretty recent history when the colonial period kicked off), and slaves imported from various parts of Africa.

Any combination of these is classifiable as ‘hispanic’ for American purposes; but family histories and phenotypes can vary from “looks like they just arrived from the Iberian peninsula, except that they didn’t” to “hasn’t changed a bit from they people in those Mayan paintings and carvings” to “could have just arrived from one of several parts of Africa, but more Spanish speaking, and didn’t” or any mixture of the above.


Ahh, the magical power of just making shit up and then believing in your own made up shit. No wonder they call themselves “wizards”.


I used to be at Stone Mountain most evenings when it was warm enough to be outside. I was always trying to figure out, “How do I get one of these black families to adopt me so I can come to one of these family reunions?”


Just show up. Bring potato salad for everyone. I’d let a stranger hang with my family if they brought potato salad.


That is true, but there’s also an amazing amount of ignorance. The concept of white or non-white Hispanic seems to be judged pretty much based on darkness of skin, when the reality is that virtually 100% of people in the U.S. with Latin American heritage are a mix of European, Native, African, and MENA (Middle Eastern and North African, from Sephardic immigrants).

TBH, the prejudice against Italians at least had some basis in genetic reality, because they too have a lot of MENA, and often SSA (Sub-Saharan African) as well in their heritage.

People are generally a lot more mixed than they realize. It’s true that someone with hundreds of years of heritage in the American South will have some SSA (if they’re white) or some Euro (if they’re African American). The more the truth comes out about the DNA we all share, the harder it will be for people to draw a bright line between “us” and “them”.


BTW, the really wealthy, WAY over the kinda person making 400k a year as a salary, aren’t paying even close to that anyhow, as all their income is coming in from investments and is taxed at a much lower rate.
Anyone with an IRA or 401K is now or will benefit from that as well, but there’s something inherently wrong with a billionaire paying an effective tax rate less than the schlubs working for him on the factory floor…
And another thing about these goobers - why can they never connect the dots that slavery while evil in every way also kept everyone else in poverty as well? Free labor will do that…

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Although with them it’s often “The War Between the States,” not “The Civil War.” And these are people who came up during or after the Civil Rights era.

My family got a World Book encyclopedia in early 1980. I vaguely recall something about “Southern edition” but it definitely had the Civil War as “The War Between the States.”

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Or the War of Northern Aggression–it’s not used in the literature, and frankly it’s a joke among my particular group of southerners, but still. In any case, it still proves that southern, northern, western, wherever you’re from doesn’t matter–being a racist asshole is not limited to specific geographic locations.


I believe the ridiculous term Southern racists use is not that, but rather: “The War of Northern Aggression.” “War Between the States”, to me, sounds rather uncontroversial.

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Actually, the higher tax bracket you’re in, the less taxes you pay (at least in terms of federal income taxes - that’s not incorporating local/state taxes). So, depending on what he makes, he could very well be paying a higher effective tax rate then you. But to say that slaves had it better… hoo boy, that’s fucked right there.

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How can it be Northern Aggression if the South fired the first shots?