The soft sexism of functioning pockets

They don’t seem to have pockets either also pain when peeing and people queueing outside will end up snow blind.

Apart from that the future.


No, only a man can get away with that. A women is derided and otherwise punished in professional workplaces for donning a ‘uniform’.


Five copies? I literally wear the same pair…


I assume the silver jumpsuit has facilities built in, like space suits, so we would never need to take them off! I also assume in the future we have done away with scarcity and money so we don’t need wallets, and ID would be biometric so wouldn’t even need pockets for wallets! And make up stays on until you take it off! And hair is never out of place! And shoes never cause blisters so we don’t need to carry bandaids! Man, the future sounds great! No pockets and no purses! Silver jumpsuits for all!


Hey come on now, no one is FORCING you to carry those bandaids and purses and wallets and make up! And no one at all would mind if you wore a silver jumpsuit to work every day, go right ahead if you want. It’s a free country you know, except when it comes to men, who have to watch themselves all the time, and who keep getting their free speeches and naturally wandering eyeballs censored left and right. And then there’s those women who complain (even though they can wear whatever they want wherever they want!) about the fictitious fiction of “double standards” or some such irrational lady-sense, and are just looking for yet another way to keep the real victims in their place. MEN, that is!!


She’s just gone to bed.


I get complaints because my imprinted t-shirts rotate monthly.

I’d like to add that I do in fact sew some of my wardrobe. But it’s time consuming and requires a lot of space that I don’t always have (by the time I’ve got the house clean enough to sew, I don’t have time to sew, and then the house needs cleaning again the next day …)

Adding pockets to a garment you bought isn’t always practical either. Most commercial garments have serged seams:

as opposed to a standard seam:

If you’re wearing a t-shirt right now take a look at the side seam. It’s going to look like the first one. If you pick apart a seam like that to add a pocket to a skirt, you don’t have enough seam allowance to make a stable seam with a regular machine. It’s going to come apart. If the fabric is woven, the edges will unravel. So you need to own a serger to make lasting alterations to clothing like that.

I’ve been sewing for 30 years and I only just bought a serger a few months ago. They’re difficult and expensive machines.


Well, I will do my part as a man and hereby promise to not deride or otherwise punish women wearing similar outfits on multiple days. I’ll also do my best to convince all my male friends.

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Psst… it’s not just the male friends you need to convince…


Well, as we’ve seen here, women aren’t going to listen to me mansplaining about clothing.


Oh, good point. Focus your efforts for effectiveness!


Why should they, pray tell?

What makes your opinion any more valid or useful than any other random stranger’s?


Well, I, for one, work the same job all day as a man and make 20% less. But, yes, pockets is what keeps me up at night.


I’d like to go on record as saying I dislike the phrase “soft sexism” – soft sexism is like a soft penis, neither is any good to me. Sexism is sexism is sexism.


"In what way could a man help?"
They could acknowledge that the concept of woman as object and the higher requirement for women to be attractively dressed in this society are part of the problem.

They could not dismiss the problem when it is raised.

Those that are in positions to affect culture could understand the problem and use their power to try and change the cultural norms. For example we can stop complaining about purses and how much stuff they carry. We can advocate for pockets for women. We can try and purchase clothing for the women we by clothes for from the few and far between outlets as you recommend.

Men can do quite a bit more then just say ‘Women’s problem, let them fix it’.


It’s right up there with “soft racism”, or “softening on the issues.”


c’mon ladies, this problem was solved on this very blog a year and a half ago: