I think recent references to Satanic panic led my subconscious to bring up “Teenage Dirtbag”…
Cabaret Vøltaire!
A dive in the past, so many memories.
But age is making me soft, my tastes are not only shifting, but broadening.
I recently discovered Jenny Hval and this moving(?) love(?) song(?) is now a permanent fixture inside my head.
Alas, in this moment it also strikes a bit too close.
I also appreciate a lot the contrasts in her works.
this is how discovered her.
That’s a powerful song/video. Hits every time I watch it
The recent Bobby Fingers post lead me to look up Bobby Fingers and learn that he sang “Horse Outside.”
So now it’s stuck in my head
Thanks to the story about the return of Spinal Tap, I got this song stuck in my head.
How can I leave this behind!
Is missing Christmas this year an option? Asking for a friend…
I dread its approach but after all the shouting and recriminations are done with i ask myself “was it really so bad?”.
And then instead of answering you pour yourself a beverage?
I got up early again to be at Home Depot at 6am.
Andy Griffith again at 4 am. Boil Them Cabbage Down
“Oh no pa, that one makes me cry.”
“Just try to control yourself.”
Walking around at Home Depot whistling…
Boil them cabbage down, make them biscuits brown.