Originally published at: The temperature in Iran reached 126°F, the hottest recorded on Earth this year | Boing Boing
Coming soon to a thermometer near you.
The Abadan = Abaddon jokes write themselves, though they aren’t funny.
At least its a dry heat. /s
In Kansas you need gills some days.
“It’s so humid I can take my fish for a walk.”
Days in Ohio, when both the temperature and humidity were in the 90s…
And yet this will probably be the coolest summer of the rest of our lives. Enjoy!!
Ugh, I was recently reading Kim Stanley Robinson’s The Ministry for the Future and the deadly Indian heat wave that helps kick off the story was a pretty terrifying glimpse of likely things to come.
Not making light of the situation, empathizing.
Crikey, I like me a jammy Shiraz.
I just read grapes start to shut down at 95F (how do I convert Furlongs to Celsius?), so too hot for them too.
Dark humour for dark times…
Some parts of the U.S. get the worst of Canada’s winter weather (which hasn’t been too bad in recent years, I wonder why?) and the worst of the Gulf’s summer heat & humidity.
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