The "transactional love economy"


She got to travel and live the high life for a decade. Got plenty of contacts with powerful people. Not a bad way to spend your 20’s.


And, given the contacts gained, not a bad shortly-after-start position at all.

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The band is just fantastic.



You just made me do a spit take.

You. Receive. Comfortably Numb from Pulse!


Ortberg > Taffy

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Its funny, cuz I have never ever heard this idea espoused by a woman. I’ve only ever heard it from the lips of men, and I always wonder where they get this idea from. Cuz they certainly didn’t hear it from me or my friends…


It makes enough sense for a viable hypothesis.

There was a joke, during the Gulf Oil Mishap, that they should put a wedding ring on the failed blowout preventer. Because then it’d stop putting out.

Apparently the decrease of willingness of the female after the wedding, when the relationship is secured, is a frequent enough phenomenon. May be also observation artefact but the anecdotes are frequent enough to warrant at least attention.

Those tricky females wanting to tie you down…


Holy shit, you really did crawl out of some cave, didn’t you? No mention in your most recent belching forth of course of the high frequency of men who lose interest in their committed partners and long instead for something new (and thus, mostly just because she’s new, “more exciting”).


That’s called the Coolidge Effect.


Existing effect, demonstrated in social mammals of many species. If we won’t do a genetic behavioral modification, we have to live with it.


Although people are mammals, they differ in terms of what sex means to them, i.e., it’s usually not about making babies (duh). Men who make that kind of reference are usually just making an excuse for acting like what they’re actually not – dogs. Fortunately, a lot of men don’t think and act that way, and most of them that I’ve known seem all the happier for it.


You can’t change the validity of the message by tarnishing the messenger.

Wishing away the underlying biology only makes everybody miserable. Society tries to change that for millenia, with predictable results. Animal studies tell us more about us than ideological or philosophical handwaving. The truths are sometimes inconvenient, but that’s the nature.

If you want a lasting change, go for behavioral gene-modding.


So, there’s studies and a name for males who lose interest in their sexual mates but show renewed interest in new sex partners… and yet its the women who don’t want to put out? Riiiiiight.


I think that is another phenomenon that also has name but I’d have to search.

Edit: Stumbled over this:

Apes, not dogs, of course. Can’t remember ever hearing that as an excuse for anti-social behaviour. On the other hand, flat-out denying it seems overly idealistic to me.

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I said they’re men who act like dogs and use animal studies and such to justify the behavior, not that they make the comparison to dogs themselves (use of “dog” as a way some of them refer to other dudes notwithstanding).


It’s funny.

I’ve done a few CPR courses, and they make a point of the CPR being done at 100 compressions per minute.

To make that number relevant, they say, “It’s the same pace as ‘Stayin’ Alive.’” They then add, irreverently, “Another song that works is ‘Another One Bites The Dust,’ but we don’t recommend singing that one out loud.”

Being the person I am, I went home and started tapping my finger against the desk at 100 bpm and tried to think of other songs with a prominent beat at about the same pace. “Bad Touch” was the song that came to mind, but if they think that “Another One Bites The Dust” would be inappropriate while doing CPR…


I just sat down with my Dr. Beat, and it seems both Stayin’ Alive and Another One Bites the Dust are a little too quick.* Dancing Queen hits 100 on the button. Bad touch is a blazing 124.

That’s 5 minutes of my life I’ll never get back.

*Since often the video and audio get out of sync on youtube, I think it might be possible that the videos on youtube are not the same tempo as the originals