The Troll(s) Trolling About Religion and Jesus

So as one side of the mouth says ‘open discusson’, the other says ‘stop labeling me you coward’

I’m going to say with both sides of my mouth, stop playing victim already @TrollsOpinion


I might add

I always thought Christianity was the one where shameless indulgence came from above, not your self.

Its at least the second time someone has said something along the lines of

“I’m an embarrassment to Christians/ity” etc… there are probably more.

More on this subject:
@Kimmo, I regret calling you a coward. What I should have said is that “I doubt you have the conviction, in this regard”

Moving on:

I just want to communicate that the strategy of trying to sham me isn’t going to work.

That’s a neat idiom. Cant wait to use it

Its not that much energy. I enjoy the back and forth- I find personal benefit from interacting with people who disagree with me.

As others have said here: “I enjoy the dialectic”

Plus, there are other reasons.

Your idea of open discussion is utter horseshit, in my opinion.


On your part.

If you’re really your brothers keeper, stop setting him up to be your rhetorical plaything. It’s abusive and gross. Stop wasting his time for your own ego boosts.

(though I suppose it is godly to be cruel and capricious, in your Book)

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oh, Pharaoh, do tell!

C’mon baby. Dish! How is every word of ours another nail in your stigmata?

Sorry, can’t hear you from up there.

Maybe come down off your cross, and have an open discussion?

(see, the problem with insult comedy is that it will be a while before there is another Andy Kauffmann) (in that spirit, please let me say, you’re no Fred Phelps)

I want to communicate that the strategy of telling the crowd that shame is in play is a) your perception of events, b) a convenient one which has allowed you to change the subject entirely., and c) a standard deflection.

Not open discussion. Please, do say if you feel attacked. But stop using that as a dodge to avoid a topic you can’t handle! Asking for a fairer restatement is going to be a lot more productive than stating what a fucking victim you are of the bullies while you then insult them back.

Nothing like someone who wants to get their degrading retort in AND complain they’ve been degraded.

A lot about how the canon of the Catholic bible was formed (which was the source Protestants based their canon on). What was taken out and why. Who poopstached Paul’s letters. Pre-Paul beliefs of Christianity. Lots about Gnosticism. Sloppy editing of the Tanakh (that you can spot some evidence of in most English translations) when a shocking revision happened. :laughing: The Akkadian and Sumerian origins of some critical parts of the Pentateuch.

More germane, I learned that I need to stop hating myself. That the people telling me what to believe and how to believe it didn’t take it as seriously as I did and either didn’t know or didn’t care what an impact they had on me psychologically and emotionally.

I learned that the “still small” voice in me telling me not to pester people about Jesus was a voice I should listen to. I learned that meditation wasn’t going to get me possessed. I learned that just because someone doesn’t believe what I do doesn’t mean they’re mislead and misguided.

I learned that every honest theologian is a heretic. :laughing: I learned that laughing is sacred and powerful.


Quite the opposite, I think most of the atheists and agnostics here would see you as practically the most mundanely standard example of christianity. Not an embarrassment to it, but just an example of how embarrassing it is in itself.

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I think it’s too easy for him to find a personal insult as a reason to not address questions. I suppose continuing to give him cover will help you feel better, but maybe stop shooting returning fire so we can see who the coward actually is? I regret saying coward, oh, but not enough to edit it out.

Here is some sarcasm. That sort of thing, like research and googleing my own points is -your- work to do, with your imagination, for -me-, or else you’re here in bad faith and always wanted me to fail because of what I believe. And my failures are a result of other people being judgmental, insulting, obtuse, and bigoted. That’s how this works, Right T.O.? Smoke and mirrors?

Especially mirrors. Look into those. You will find someone asking for calm while taking turds in the punchbowl and then complaining to the Board of Health about the unsanitary conditions.

What a waste of bandwidth, time, and potential. Go reconcile that with your deity as the good you’ve done today. Look at what you’ve created! And excellent likeness of your lord and savior, smug and satisfied at the chaos left in your wake.

Well, it probably leaves you with some sense of control over something in the universe, to be able to get a reaction while pretending to want a response, and I know those feelings are a struggle for the Christians I have known. Almost like they’re constantly creating a world of winners and losers while talking about equality, or creating a world where injuries are owned up to and then forgiven by a third party, and not the damaged party; their opinion is as irrelevant today as the day you walked all over it the first time.

Square up with the church after, and you never need to feel badly for shitting on someone. Your example here is paramount. I do not want you to feel shame, nor do I believe you do. If you do feel shame, I think it is not going to be long lasting or leave much of a mark on you. But because I might be wrong, and I am your keeper, I leave the benefit of my doubt for you.

Taking that without using it or returning it, yes, that’s abuse. You make of gods creation what you can with those ham fists, and i will do the same.

Piece of advice: You aren’t starting productive debates. Unless the product is unhappiness, in which case you’re doing great. If this were your own website I would not be bothering, but you’re rather lowering the rent with this tripe.

Please, be divisive, but please, be interesting too.

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I’m going to go out on a limb here and assume that I understand this statement.

Oh, we can all have an open discussion, please.

But this thing where people try to shame me for my beliefs is very predictable, banal.

yes. The world is rose colored when you wear rose colored glasses.

Shocking fact. Banal only when you think you lost your glasses, but you’re wearing them, and need to blame someone not named T.O.

Have you considered a faith where shame is not the central tenet? You might be less focused on it, which is a choice you can make anytime you want to.

Just try to have fun with it, maple tree.

So, close my eyes and think of Spain? Wonder which pulpit you learned that from?

I guess it’s your idea of ‘fun’ then, to claim you’re a victim? because that’s not fun for other people.

Almost like you love your god, but not his other people, which are also him. You should probably be treating other people much better, since we’re all a part of his creation, and him.

unless of course you’re just bringing up controversial topics to entertain yourself. But I struggle to believe there could be such sophomoric narcissists online.

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Do you really think I’m being abusive?

More than think it. I believe it. I can cite it. I have.

How can you doubt me? Faith seems so natural to you. Almost as natural as your correctness and infallibility about my opinions, and the opinions of others, are. You are truly a master of other peoples opinions, and it’s good that you don’t hesitate to state them for them, or question them verbatim (you believe that? gasp!).

Maybe you just never learned about how to validate something (or someone) you disagree with? That would be consistent with my prior interactions with Christians who are compelled to talk about it.

Want to know what to do about it? Ask. Your own openness is the key to any open discussion you purport interested in or responsible for.


Asking an open question isn’t beneath you, is it? You can have a disagreement without crying victim or throwing insults? I dare you to, brother.

False pretense is false and pretentious.

Ok a,b,c. Nice try, Im not falling for it.

Which topic is that?

Thats rich, somehow I’m degrading.

Ok, fair enough. You can be embarrassed by it, I’m not.

I did edit it out.

Look, you dont know me, that is because I have not told you.

So even as you continue -let me advise you to stop swinging, you have already struck out. Good try, though! trolley worthy.

I’m not responding to your PM. I’m not even reading it.

Thank you for proving my point.

I think your impression of a Christian is pitiable. But your impression of an emo vamp is spot on man!