The true story of “We Built This City”- the most detested song in human history

Fish Heads, Pencil Neck Geek, even The Smoke-off. Yeah, I know what you mean all too well. This isn’t even considering songs / stories that I loved when I was younger, but later realized how problematic they actually were. (OK, in this short list, Pencil Neck Geek would qualify for that.) I don’t object to other people enjoying these, mostly I’ve just heard most of them enough to want other material.


You . . . you suckered me! That’s another dead dog!


Need a cat chaser?


I remember seeing the video first and it was pretty amusing. Anytime I heard the song, I thought of the video. Just thinking of the music makes me grin (and I’m not really a hair band fan per se…). So I wouldn’t place this song anywhere near Starship’s song.

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Great one! Had both a profound message of peace and love that my younger self thought was immensely profound… while also causing that same younger self to immediately run around throwing drop-kicks like Billy Jack kicking some serious ass!

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That is one of the saddest fucking things I’ve ever seen. BRB, ugly crying all over my cat.


Thinking about that song reminds me that once I was idealistic and thought there were leaders in the world who used their charisma to bring everyone up to their standards.


Would a hamster chaser help?


Source? How about the lyrics? Harris delivery?

(okay, I went to Wiki and read about it. Webb claims it is a serious song about the loss of love. He’s lying . . . I hope.)

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Yep. I got far enough in to ask myself “Wait, what …?” Pulled up the full version in YouTube so I could read the description and decided that I really didn’t need to see any more. It’s bad enough for me when the other cats start looking around for the one that’s no longer with us. I don’t need to be crying over this too.


Agreed. That was awful.


Saw the video title and noped the fuck out of there. BRB, going to give my cats a few pats.


Sorry 'bout that! I picked it at random from the many available vids and didn’t watch to the end. I figured he just liked his (I assumed alive) dog.

Here’s some dogs having a blast for a (literal!) “chaser”

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People who dismiss “We Built This City” as “the worst song EVAR” are probably those who don’t get out much. It’s like how on IMDB there are comments that practically every movie was the worst ever made. It’s funny when people wax hyperbolic but it’s easy to play work which even they would probably agree is much worse. Does the song maker sense? Was it performed, recorded, and mixed well? I don’t especially like this song, but it is competent, and many other’s work lacks even that.

My criticism of the music is that it sounds like when a pop band hooks up with a producer for a certain “sound” which is not their own. The influence can be either integral or else feel kind of grafted on.

The video is a funny mess though! I nearly fell off my chair laughing when Abe Lincoln gets up and sings. The production reminded me a lot of the animated clip-art style that Charlex made trendy in the early to mid 80s (such as their video for The Cars "You Might Think), but hastily imitated on the cheap.


Or they’ve never heard anything by the 1910 Fruitgum Company.


“Most detested” is not necessarily “objectively worst.” Of course there are plenty of songs with lower production values, dumber lyrics, and forgettable hooks, but nobody cares enough about those songs to even detest them. A song’s ubiquity figures into it too; I don’t like “Macarthur Park” either, but I don’t care because I never hear “Macarthur Park.”

Seeing as I don’t frequent cruise ship karaoke bars


Reminds me of this:

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Remember it’s not just those of us who don’t get out much, Popobawa4u :wink:; one of the lead singers of the group thought that she’d vomit each time she had to sing this song.


But those are the best kind of karaoke bars! (Other than the ones where there’s a live piano or band behind you)

Couldn’t make it to the end of the comments, so if someone has already thrown this into the cringe-fest, I apologise:

Arrr, screw it, I actually like it, on review.