The trumpian president of the Philippines admits to murdering "suspects"

That’s just the point. Trump doesn’t DO anything but MAGA.

Pence already has the support of Congress, at least we won’t have the puppet show to keep the media in the glow of Trump.

Pence won’t be as sexy for ad sales and thus won’t get the glowing just-fucked coverage from tv media-

We know how to resist a religious zealot, though. We’ve dealt with the likes of Pence before, even if he might be a more extreme example of his kind than has yet occupied the White House. He has some abhorrent ideas but he generally seems to work within the system when he tries to implement them.

Trump is a new animal entirely. America has never had a full-on fascist before, and I’m not confident our existing system of checks and balances is going to be up to the task of reigning him in. I’d rather spend the next 4-8 years fighting the guy who maintains some pretense of respecting democracy.


Andrew Jackson?

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Do we want a beast with two heads, one of which the media LOVES, or one head that the media is “yawn, boooored” with, they have no similar love for evangelicals that they do freaky coke-addled raging psychopaths.

Hmm. Good contender.

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In anticipation of the 1832 election, Congress, led by Clay, attempted to reauthorize the Second Bank of the United States four years before the expiration of its charter. In keeping with his platform of economic decentralization, Jackson vetoed the renewal of its charter, thereby seemingly putting his chances for reelection in jeopardy. However, by portraying himself as the defender of the common person against wealthy bankers, he was able to defeat Clay in the election that year. He thoroughly dismantled the bank by the time its charter expired in 1836.


When selecting his Cabinet, instead of choosing party favorites, Jackson instead selected “plain, businessmen” whom he intended to control.


General Jackson stoops to gain the favor of the majority; but when he feels that his popularity is secure, he overthrows all obstacles in the pursuit of the objects which the community approves or of those which it does not regard with jealousy. Supported by a power that his predecessors never had, he tramples on his personal enemies, whenever they cross his path, with a facility without example; he takes upon himself the responsibility of measures that no one before him would have ventured to attempt. He even treats the national representatives with a disdain approaching to insult; he puts his veto on the laws of Congress and frequently neglects even to reply to that powerful body. He is a favorite who sometimes treats his master roughly.
— Alexis de Tocqueville, Democracy in America, Volume I, Chapter XVIII


If this were any of our parents republicans, maybe. But the ones from the last decade have fully gone over the cliff that they’ve been charging towards for decades.

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