The USB C to USB is 1/1oth the price of the meme

Nice rant, dude. You might want to save it for someone who gives a shit.

You seem to have mistaken me for a Windows evangelist. I am not. I really don’t care what OS you use. I’m most comfortable with Win but that’s as much an accident of personal history as anything. I spend a lot of time on my computer. It’s a tool. It does what I need. I never have wanted to double boot into any other OS because I can find a way to get what I need done in Windows.

I was recently trying to help my Mac friends who complain of “My Mac seems slow these days”. My generic response to that is, “add RAM”. They may or may not have a real problem, but if they do it’s as likely to be RAM shortage as anything. I am not a trained tech, I’m just “that friend who knows a lot about computers”. I was appalled to find that some newer Apple products do not permit the user to upgrade their RAM.

My main desktop was fairly high spec when I bought it for (iirc) about a grand 6 years ago. Since then I’ve added RAM and recently replaced/upgraded the hard drive with a TB of SSD. I expect to get another 3-5 years out of it. I’d be surprised if I’ve got $1500 in the whole thing by the time I retire it, after 10 years or more.

So take a deep breath and use whatever works for you.

I’ve got one like that!

Say waaah?

Making USB devices incompatible with USB ports? That would be a serious violation of the USB standard, and more or less impossible anyway. A type-C to type-A adaptor is entirely passive.

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