The weird biology of the Venus flytrap

Originally published at: The weird biology of the Venus flytrap | Boing Boing


Now I want to rewatch “Day of the Triffids”.


My local Walmart has these for about 5 bucks each with their late wintertime plant display. Got one after wanting one for years, and have been feeding it pantry moths which I also probably got from Walmart. :confused:

They don’t seem particularly interested in it, but I may try combining with a pantry moth hormone trap and make my real life insect Saw movie


When the leaves all die, and you think the thing is dead, keep watering it and keep it in the same lightly shady window. It will bloom and put up new leaves after a few weeks or months.


Walmart has triffids??! :thinking:


The original Wyndham novel is better. And the 80’s BBC miniseries is a whole lot more faithful to it.

This ep of the excellent MonsterTalk podcast is a great discussion of all things carnivorous plants:

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Im trying to think so hard of an intermediate species.
There are none.
Evolution, and with it all of biological science, is false.
Sorry about this.


Aww shucks. It was fun while it lasted. Back to the drawing board!

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My regularly scheduled recycling of bits regarding Venus flytraps:

the weirdest thing about them is that they’re only found in North and South Carolina. Never knew that.

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You know, Venus flytraps aren’t exactly isolated. They belong with the sundews, where the leaves close around insects but don’t have the precise trapping mechanism, relying on sticky hairs instead. I honestly would have considered them a good example for where we have plausible intermediates, compared to so many other things.


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