Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2021/01/25/cyborg-venus-flytrap-plant-controlled-with-a-smartphone.html
I, for one, welcome our robotic flytrap overlords!
This is a huge improvement over regular Venus flytraps. We’re gonna save so much money!
It’s worse… These are Cyber Plants!
After they escape the lab and force upgrade all of plants, we will be plant food!!
Many years ago — on a whim — I acquired a Venus Flytrap from a local nursery. Those suckers are difficult for laypersons to maintain; mine didn’t last long. They need low light and humidity. A grow-light in a once/day shower-humidified (on for ~ 10 minutes) bathroom did not help as far as extending the plant’s life beyond a few weeks.
Soylent Green has a whoooooole new meaning!
I hear ya. I am usually pretty good at taking care of plants, but I failed miserably to keep one that I had alive. It wasn’t until later that I learned how difficult it is for them to thrive outside of their native habitat.
I was watching the video of a guy that makes habitats for various plants and creatures. He really took a lot of time and care for the flytrap habitat including being very specific in the selection of… [bla bla bla] they all died.
Yes the follow up video was a sad one. But hopefully it will dissuade some people from spending money to slow kill these cool plants.
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