The weirdest bumbling cat burglar movie of all time

The truth is that it’s really the

Hudson’s name was Eddie. (ok I will admit I know way too much about this film)

In my fan fiction, Eddie and Anna went back to work for the Vatican stealing back lost relics.


SO that’s what happened to the Holy Prepuce of Calcata!

I wonder what song he would have sung while stealing it?





Technically that’s not fair. Eric Andre is the weirdest everything.

*Sees comment above, feels weirded out

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I thought I was the only one who thought this movie was underrated!

“Maybe it was a dud.” BOOM

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The moment that this film crosses the line from a fun comedy to a brilliant masterpiece is the first time you see Sandra, sprawled out on a conference table, surrounded by minions, wearing headphones, and singing “I’ve got the power” really loudly over and over. That was the greatest thing I had ever seen.


I, for one, don’t count this movie as one of my guilty pleasures: I’m a totally shameless fan!

This weird cinematographic object that nearly destroyed Bruce Willis’ carreer has got a rare quality: it succeeds at being exactly what it aims to be, a draught of pure concentrated fun. Everything is sacrificed to fun and rhythm, including plot and vraisemblance.
One particularly salient example: when Eddie falls from the chicken truck right on the restaurant chair. Vraisemblance? Zero. Preservation of the movie’s rhythm? Perfect.


Michael Lehmann was the director but Bruce Willis was the real auteur of the film. He co-wrote the script and, according to Richard E. Grant’s book With Nails, he liked to wait in his trailer until the last minute and then march in and demand that everything be changed.

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That scene you mentioned also mirrors the earlier scene when Tommy and Eddie jump away from the auction house and Eddie lands in the chair back at the parole officer’s house. A cinema motif of our gallant hero is once again being dropped into the middle of a bigger scheme that he is unaware of.

But also, the entire film is a live action cartoon.

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What you can find on YouTube

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Yeah I was looking at those, couldn’t find one that matched the running time of the film close enough though.

It holds up. It is one of maybe a dozen films (the Wicker Man, Rocky Horror, Galaxy Quest) that I will just keep rewatching and it never gets old.

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