The weirdness of a room painted entirely with the world's blackest black paint

the point is to emphasize the things in the room instead of the walls

conventional modern rooms with white walls are structured aesthetically like photographic negatives

dark rooms work better if the lights are in the corners rather than the middle of the ceiling

actually all rooms work better if the lights are in the corners rather than the middle of the ceiling

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My blue version

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It’s like, how much more black could this be? And the answer is 0.6%. 0.6% more black.


Is it Klein Blue?

I am reminded of this installation the after effects were disturbing.

It is blue screen paint Rosco blue (which ain’t cheap).

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Allowing for online viewing, that does look a beautiful blue.

In that case, I’d rather see grey and glass elements (like in the films Arrival or The Mist). Of course, I’d need my Teavee room to be all white.

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