Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2019/09/23/these-50-pence-coins-are-extre.html
“Triskelion” is a very metal word in and of itself, though the Manx themselves might think less of your reference to the “Isle of Mann.”
Ish. In the Isle of Man context, sure. But the triskelion sigil itself is about 6000 years old. The leggy version dates back to at least 6th century BCE Greek culture.
Manx sounds like a brand of…never mind, I like living.
Twinned with Summerisle
I thought for a second that the Queen is now a symbol for metal for some weird reason …
Should be possible to overlay a mutton-chopped Lemmy over her head.
Crowley does not work.
All coins are metal, surely?
Reminds me of the Benny Hill bit where some laundry detergent was on sale, so you were supposed to tell your friends “Two pee off!”
(Hey, I thought it was funny.)
You gotta give ERII credit for letting them age her like that - another vainer monarch would still be requiring the mint to use the 1953 profile.
I like this idea of using Lemmys as currency, and wish to subscribe to your newsletter
My kitten, Trelane, is a Manx. He has no tail.
Another more orange monarch, perhaps?
But the portrait aging is tradition now, Queen Victoria’s coins had her get older too.
Except for the coal ones
(my search for this image was giving me a load of links to Dunning-Krugerrands, which it wasn’t the last time I looked for coal coins)
And of course the big stone money.
You mean to tell me that giant stone money isn’t metal as fuck, c’mon now?
The symbol also looks a little bit like a Basil Wolverton character.
I think we can agree that there is no money that is heavier.
so what’s the story behind notgeld (beyond hyperinflation) Who, or what is TRVTZ?
We’ve lowered our price by twenty cents.
It’s a paradigm shift.