These are the bullets that killed JFK

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Now if we only get The Batman to recontruct the fingerprints…


Where can I buy them? Or isn’t this another advert?


Pretty neat technology. It would be cool to do with all sorts of things you can never see other than behind glass in a museum.


Fine, but let’s get back to business: identifying the shooters who killed JFK, and the patrons who commissioned the hit.

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It was probably just Oswald. Why he did it, and whether someone had him do it, is up for debate.

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You know, the most likely thing I’ve heard about the whole mess was that he was no in fact aiming for Kennedy, but for the Governor of TX…


Oswald did it. By himself.


Huh. That’s interesting. It is entirely possible. The problem is getting really unlucky with your intended target, can end up looking like a lucky shot at an unintended target and you would never know being an observer.

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The most obvious counterpoint to that theory is “if Oswald’s primary goal was to assassinate the Governor then why wait until Connally was sitting next to the President of the United States and thus protected by the full might of the Secret Service?”


So. The bullets they can find, but they lost JFK’s brain. Sounds about right.

Nobody has had any luck locating the current guy’s brain and he isn’t even dead yet.


In 1963, it was probably much harder to figure out where an even high profile figure, like the governor, was going to be at a particular time. I suspect if this theory is the case, then it was about the opportunity and Oswald having the knowledge of where the governor was going to be for sure.

But it’s likely something we’ll never know, because Oswald was killed…


Not entirely on topic, but related. I live in Dallas, and there used to be a cranky old man who would walk around the grassy knoll and stuff shell casings into the soil.


If you were hell-bent on assassinating him it seems like you could just hang out near the State Capitol building and wait for him to leave, maybe even stalk the Governor’s Mansion. I don’t know what kind of security detail the Governor of Texas usually has but it’s got to be less than what the President of the United States has.

My favourite theory is that it was orchestrated by LBJ.

Came here to say this, both pleased and disappointed that someone beat me to it.

That full might did Kennedy a fat lot of good, though.

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One of my American History lecturers held that while LBJ was quite capable of having JFK killed, he would never have had it done it on the sacred soil of Texas.