These prosthetic fingers, toes and ears are so real you can't tell they're fake

For a mere $1,432…



What are you trying to say about Mexican food?

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About the title. They’re not fake, they’re artificial. I wouldn’t want to call a prosthetics user’s limbs fake. Because I would sound like a jerk.


Fourteen hundred for a nose? I’ll take two! Can I pick the ones I want?


So what the hell do you paint silicone with, anyway?


Hmmm. I know that prosthetic noses are obviously a big deal and I get how someone would want a prosthetic ear but fingers… no, I don’t get why anyone would want one, except to freak out people when he pulls it off and it’s probably a bit expensive just for that prank (although a YouTube revenue could even that out).

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This is absolutely incredible. My grandfather grew up missing one leg from the knee down and wearing a heavy, wooden replacement. Though it was preferable to none, it was always such a burden. Prosthetic science lately just blows me away. The quality of life improvement for people is just mind blowing. Nothing makes me as emotional as seeing these people being fitted with such spectacular gear.

There’s a manager at one of the departments where i work who is missing both legs. He wears prosthetics that are basically tubes and then he’s got some shoes at the bottom bit, he gets around quite easily and if he was wearing pants to cover the lower parts of his legs you wouldn’t know there was anything different about him (though he always wears shorts).

Its definitely amazing that the quality of life has been massively improved for people that need prosthetics and its cool that there’s still a lot of room for improvement.

Nothing different from what could be said of Japanese food served in restaurants that display ersatz versions of what’s on their menus.

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Finger lickin’ good.


Silicone paint


Perfect for amping up the creepiness of the rubber hand experiment.

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