I think Terry Pratchett said it best: we’d be more accurately described as Pan Narrans - Storytelling Chimpanzees.
I wonder if she would go to a naturopathic hospital, where the doctors performing surgery don’t wear gloves or masks because they get in the way of dog’s instruments. You wouldn’t want your surgeon breathing in CO2, afterall.
I have asthma and other respiratory issues, and I still wear a two-layer cloth mask. Sure, it gets a little damp and stifling, but I’m still okay with stopping for a rest occasionally (I’m a pedestrian who uses public transportation).
A mask is a minor inconvenience compared to the idiots who risk my life and safety every day.
Can you prove that it’s good for people to breathe carbon dioxide over and over and over again?
Climate-change denialists would have us believe that it is. And yet, weirdly, I think there’s a big overlap between maskholes and climate-change denialists.
They were trying to save us.
Other Countries: “Why doesn’t America use the metric system? It’s so convenient. Everything is multiples of ten.”
Me: “What makes you think Americans can multiply by ten?”
It’s odd because put them in a workshop with a huge dust-creating sawmill or such like and they’d wear a mask.
“I can SEE the sawdust. Obviously I need a mask!”
Right. But why didn’t god give you a natural filter to breathe through the sawdust? Perhaps his breathing system is not so wonderful in all situations?
But unlike the sawdust you can’t see the virus or the aerosols coming out of your and other people’s mouths, so you won’t wear a mask because it impedes god’s wonderful breathing system. So you will deal with the visible but refuse to deal with the invisible.
Okay. Please can you show me your God?
Fuckwits like this start to make me reconsider eugenics - but hopefully Darwin will get there first. /s
What’s that line… where the rising ape meets the falling angel?
God, I wish that man were still with us. There was no one like him.
I swear to Christ. If there is ever a zombie outbreak, it will kill us all because a segment of idiots think it is a political hoax.
I keep writing that zombie movie in my head. Zombies move at a quarter of a mile an hour and are incapable of higher thought functions: as someone else pointed out, they’d be decimated by wildlife and invertebrates if we just left them alone, much less if we simply sent the military in with flame-throwers. But that would require vaguely competent leadership and no sabotage by fundie-loonies.
They gotta have air. It’s inhumane!
“The National Guard was turned back from their zombie patrol by armed 'Right-to-life’ers.”
What did it feel like to live in Jonestown right before the mass suicide?
Now we know.
Medical professionals including surgeons, nurses, dentists etc. have been wearing masks on the job for over a century now. If these things caused carbon dioxide poisoning and whatnot them the medical community would be the first to know.
I engaged in a face mask discussion knowing full well it would prove futile to the audience…
Then I looked at her profile and it all made sense.

You’re bringing logic to a crazy fight.
I think we are living in the zombie movie. It’s just that the zombies are just like the living, not the semi-dead visibly infected things Hollywood shows.
Seems like a reasonable hypothesis.
You have to be very dumb or very unlucky to get the zombie infection. Yeah, we’re living it, alright.
It’s all I’ve got. ;-(
Indeed. Intellectual zombies!