Originally published at: Things go where they must as Obi-Wan's foregone conclusion looms | Boing Boing
Oh good! There’s only 1 episode left before I can forget this series ever happened.
I hope Obi Wan and Princess Leia survive!!!
So… you didn’t enjoy it, then?
I ask as someone who hasn’t watched anything even tangentially SW related, since the last season of the Mandalorian.
Technically the last half of Boba Fett was really Mandalorian Season 2.5
As I already stated, I didn’t watch it.
I simply don’t care about that character.
Right. I was just saying, the last half was pretty much Mando-centric.
Really hope they keep working with Obi’s self doubt/shame/vulnerability/weaknesses , but alas, that shark may have been already jumped.
My favourite part was Vader’s sad puppy face when the ship flew off.
I’m sorry but this show is a train wreck.
It feels like something written by an AI. And not the smart kind.
The problem with this series is essentially the same fundamental problem the prequels had. We know the ending. It’s hard to build any real tension when you know where things are going to end up, at least for the main characters. If you want to tell a story where the end point is already known, I think it has to be a more emotional, character driven story. You can’t tell a story built on suspense when the audience literally knows the ending. I think that’s why the Mandalorian, in contrast, does work. We don’t know what happens to this guy. We don’t know what happens to Grogu. Ahsoka may work for the same reason.
They did a great job of managing the known conclusion in Rogue One. Compelling characters who die tragically because the story insists they must. This story needs a central character we know has to die, rather than one who has to live, I guess to make it feel right.
Yeah, that’s a good point. I think the other reason Rogue One worked, though, is that we didn’t know any of these characters before, with the exception of Saw Gerrera. So while we know the ending, there’s still a lot to learn about who these rebels were who died to get the plans to the Death Star. I used to think that the prequel films should have similarly focused on Obi-Wan’s back story. We didn’t really learn anything about him in episodes 4-6. I mean, he died in the middle of episode 4, and after that his force ghost mostly just says, “Use the force, Luke!” I don’t know if prequels focused on Obi-Wan would have worked, but I think they might have. Episode 1 could have been about Obi-Wan becoming a Jedi, and throw in a short-lived romance with Satine Kryze. Episode 2 could have just been a swashbuckling adventure/buddy cop film with him and Qui-Gon, ending with their discovery of Anakin. And then Episode 3 could have been the Clone Wars and Anakin’s turn to the dark side, but told from Obi-Wan’s point of view.
yeah Trandoshans fulfill the scifi staple costume of reptile people (see also Sleestak or Silurian). One of the original bounty-hunters, Bossk is a Gorn…er Trandoshan.
I watched ep 4 too late to comment in the other thread, but the interrogation? One doesn’t play both good and bad cop at the same time.
I guess a good question is whether or not it needs that sort of tension. Knowing the conclusion already means the focus is less on what happens to the characters and more about how we get to where they are later. Ideally you’re watching the show already caring about the characters, so it’s just filling in gaps. If I were to make Star Wars sound over important, I’d say it’s like reading a book on the lesser known years of a historical figure.
I for one am really enjoying the series as clips on youtube that are too short for scrutiny or emotional investment.
Vader looked mad in that last one. I assume there was a lot of character building leading up to that moment.
Star Destroyer sized plot holes notwithstanding i did enjoy elements of it it just doesn’t make a whole lot of sense! The flashbacks were great though and i don’t really care they look noticeably older but it gave me the nostalgia feels for the prequels which i thought i’d never experience so that’s weird. The false jeopardy regarding Luke i could do without, there is zero tension there, how could there be.