Originally published at: Things got creepy in a New York courtroom when someone released hundreds of cockroaches | Boing Boing
Ballsy. Can you imagine how hard it must have been to have to collect them all?
You can order them online. Kind of expensive.
I feel bad for the little critters. I took Intro Entomology in college. Got to see those guys up close. I thought they were gross, but kinda cute. But if I saw one in my kitchen I would probably not be kind to it.
Maybe they got a bulk discount.
Ew! Reminds me of this incident:
You only need two, to make your own. How to Breed Hissing Cockroaches: 11 Steps (with Pictures)
The fumigation is kind of unnecessary, don’t think theycan establish themselves that far North.
Much grosser. Madagascar hissing roaches are big and scary (can grow to the size of a Drake’s Yodel) but are not particularly harmful.
A while ago one of my cats got a flea infestation. It spread to the carpets. I still remember getting the bites and crawling sensation (some of it imagined).
Such enthusiastic fumigation!
Were Penn and Teller going to be called as witnesses?
This is my new favorite standard of measurement.
I wonder which part of the human anatomy could, sizewise, be compared to Funny Bones.
I had to google “Drake’s Yodel”. Thought it might be like a “Russell’s Teapot”
I was thinking it was a reference to a Canadian rapper releasing a country album. Or a sex thing. But I assume most any combination of a possessive proper noun and a regular noun are sex things. You would not believe what I thought was going on when I first heard of Chekhov’s gun.
ETA: I had to Google both Drake’s Yodel and Funny Bones and I am a little jealous we don’t have Funny Bones around here that I’m aware of. They sound quite tasty.
Since I don’t do cakes, this was a mystery to me. However it reminded me of a Northern Irish measurement of distance “within a bagel’s gowl”. It’s nothing to do with to toroidal bread - it properly translates to “a beagle’s Howl”. It’s similar to “a stone’s throw”.
I’ve known a few beagles and am not talented at throwing things. I’d argue the beagle’s howl is at least a half dozen stone throws.
Only if you’re throwing stones with a trebuchet. A properly motivated beagle can howl loudly enough to be heard for a mile or so, depending on conditions.
But Drake’s Yodels are silent
(I have been holding off on pictures because I thought it would make for a gross association with Hissing Cockroaches)
Well, I’m not quite drooling, but my interest has been piqued. They may be silent, but they’re certainly speaking to me. Or perhaps it’s just the low blood sugar; either way, really.
I mean, that’s a given. What, am I gonna use my arms like a schmuck?