Think of the Karens

I feel the use of ‘Karen’ as a slur and reductive slogan that represents the dominant racist powers in the US, in particular cis female gendered as the target kinda gets my hackles up.

My trans partner chose the name Karen.

I get that for the greater good a shortcut term can have use but the use of ‘Karen’ is a rhetorical device of the school yard… discredits any serious insight as soon as the word/name is uttered.

Jim Crow, Adolph, Uncle Tom have a long and important history behind their currency but to watch my partners continual stress and upset at a meme that is her name makes me think about the level that political discussion has stooped.

I’m in no way am critisizing you @hecep personally, just fed up with the whole “Karen” thing… we all slip into the current vernacular… but to the wider community here, a simple idea spoken forcefully by Chuck D “Get your shit correct!” is a useful stance for protest against injustice.