Originally published at: A Karen goes from crotchety to furious when her targets don't fight back | Boing Boing
That’s some prime grade Whitey Privilege right there for the world to see. WTF is wrong with her?
There’s way too many of these “assholes behaving badly” posts on BB these days.
Lunch looks awesome!
To hell with that lady. How hard would it be to ask about the meal and maybe make some new friends over lunch?
Woman Demonstrates No Allergy to Selfish
Five second rule.
I couldn’t begin to give you a root cause analysis; but it fits with a pattern I’ve observed in many assholes(as well as a lot of non-assholes, though it manifests slightly differently there):
Even when their statements are phrased as demands; they don’t really want compliance so much as they want engagement, affirmation from the target that the big deal they think this is is as big as they think it is. Polite compliance drives them nuts because it is giving them what they asked for(which makes emotionally satisfying escalation much more difficult); but it’s so emotionally neutral and untroubled as to be an implicit statement that whatever it is you are getting worked up about is too petty for normal people to even care about; which they don’t like. It’s hard to be the hero of your own story when the people you try to conscript as villains clearly can’t be bothered to care.
Also true but obviously not mutually exclusive with what I said. I don’t think putting video of them on BB serves any purpose but ragebait.
Spot on.
Indeed it is. Almost as if somebody’s trying to make you believe the world is shit.
Pssst … don’t believe them.
Ok, pulling that board out was a dick move.
I really wish they’d thrown some food at her, but unfortunately, that would be much more actionable than her property damage.
The bonus footage at 4:30 was pretty exciting: Two Duplicate Karens (well, Aarons), braying in stereo.
it’s good to remember this. just responding very nicely will feel the best for you (not getting pulled into their hate tornado) and will actually piss them off more than anything else. win-win.
In my neighborhood we have wait times for 911 emergencies. In this neighborhood the sheriff shows up in a few minutes when someone is cooking lunch in a parking lot.
People like that feed on the reaction they get. They want to fight and argue, it increases the blood flow to their special places. The best response is to remain calm and be super polite. Nothing pisses them off more than failing to get an angry response.
Is there a difference? Boingboing informs me of the trend; most of my other chosen media services don’t.
It’s like Fox News harping about a San Francisco shoplifting epidemic-- which may or may not exist “in reality”. Sometimes editors have agendas.
As my mom puts it: “Being nice to those who hate you heaps coals of burning fire on their heads.”
That’s right out of the Bible (that book the evangelicals love to thump but hate to read). Proverbs 25:21-22, reiterated in Romans 12:20.