Originally published at: This "Biden Delivers" video celebrates the new infrastructure bill while highlighting Trump's failure | Boing Boing
Considering that it’s all stuff that is desperately needed, my only hope is that it actually happens instead of all that money going to the yacht funds for the CEOS of the companies that stand to receive some of the funds. (PG&E is the poster corp for the mismanagement of funds and not keeping their infrastructure functioning.)
Our power grid is a shambles and gets worse every year due to increased demand, no additional plants coming online, and maintenance being deferred due to current load on the grid; While I’ve not traveled the interstates in a while, it’s probably in the same boat.
I would bet $1000 dollars that little Don Trump doesn’t even know what the word infrastructure means.
To be fair to Trump, he didn’t really “fail” to deliver the promised infrastructure bill, because he had no intention of (or interest in) delivering it in the first place. Nor any knowledge about how to do so, were he actually interested.
“Do-nothing Donald Couldn’t Get Things Done Like Sleepy Joe Biden could. Sad loser!”
not only did trump not get it done, he stood on the sidelines now urging congress not to pass it because “things”
(“reasons” like “infrastructure” is also beyond his vocabulary)
Biden really does have a great, shit-eating grin.
Quick, check Trump’s twitter to see what he has to say about this!
i just hope that the long-term effects of it play out like he’s hoping, because if so, it really will be transformational.
I like Bernie a lot, but I’m not gonna fool myself into thinking he’d be any more effective than Biden at pushing through legislation that required bipartisan support.
True enough.
Whatever power the executive branch has is still limited by what can get pushed through in the legislature.
Still has to pass the House. We have a margin of 3 votes… 3. It would be nice if a large swath of House Rs voted for it, but I’m guessing there won’t be more than a handful like Adam Kinzinger (who seems like a decent enough R, wish the whole lot were more like him even though we disagree on a ton of stuff). Too many House Rs are still so far up The Hate Pumpkin’s patoot that they haven’t seen the sun for almost 5 years.
And are those bud colors real? c’mon! asking for a (COUGH) friend
The last administration never had any intention of improving infrastructure in the US, instead actively fighting against it.
It was always just rolled out as a distraction from whatever yugely embarrassing thing TFG didn’t want to talk about.
Are there people who didn’t know that?
Trump delivered too. It’s just that what he delivered was a massive, regressive tax cut for the extremely rich and major corporations.
Yeah, those colors are real, but they don’t add anything.
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