This compassionate vet goes to great lengths (including the floor) to befriend a very scared dog

Some animals can be seriously amazing at putting other animals at ease. A friend of mine some time ago agreed to take care of my cat while I was away. She has this huuuuge Maine Coon cat. My cat was absolutely terrified when they met, but in an aggressive way, she kept spitting and lashing out, while cowering in the corner. The Maine Coon spent most of the day basically just lying around in her general vicinity, but after a while we noticed that he was very slowly inching toward my cat. When it was too much he backed off. Eventually he managed to get close enough to try a greeting, my cat lashed out, the Maine Coon again backed off, he didn’t try defend himself or attack, just went back to lying around. And so on and so on, and by the evening they were sleeping together like they’d been friends forever.


sadness is not loneliness… but it can be

Get a few cold cases of the crappiest beer you can find. Mission accomplished.
I hope they realize they just handed a great talking point for Dems. Sorry, we can’t build your car, refridge, oven, etc. because we can’t get the supplies across the border because of the convoy. Yes, we know it’s most agitators, but it doesn’t matter.

I’ve noticed on a few occasions while walking some larger dogs that I’ve just got to know will lean into you with all their weight in unfamiliar surrounds. As much as i feel this is comforting for the doggo it also gets my doggo loving synapses pinging. I think this is whats happening here. Temple Grandin (the cow whispere)r talks about the same comfort and trust of being compressed.

Lying on your back with a dog signs submission as they do with each other. This isn’t a simple semantic and depends on context.

A dogs bark and behavior should be obvious to it’s human and is very nuanced. If you learn a language to travel to another country then learn you dogs language.

Good vets are doing the Doggo’s work!

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Is there a Rosetta Stone edition for that? /s

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