This fellow dances harder than should be humanly possible

Even worse, people with back packs.

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Ehhhhhhhhh, I’m really not into party policing people.

  1. He may not need drugs to enjoy himself so thoroughly.

  2. He ain’t banging into people around him willy-nilly. Note his elbows and feet staying in mostly the same place. He’s cleared a space where he can headbang to his heart’s content without bashing the person in front of him. I think that’s quite considerate.

  3. No one dances normally in a packed venue; you make do the best you can but you don’t let it stop you when a roller drops.

  4. He isn’t barging through the crowd shoving people.

  5. He isn’t part of some jackass group who dumps their backpacks in a hard-to-see pile, dances around them, and then gets annoyed at you for tripping over their shit.


I’d rather everyone can enjoy it. Not just dudes who feel entitled to 5 times the space and the people far away from them.
Considerate would be dancing like that in a less crowded space.



Dance, capybara! Dance, capybara! Dance!


Yissss! ^^

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100% Wonderful Thing. Carry on, Techno Man. Carry on.

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