This Halloween, visit "Ouijazilla," the World's Largest Ouija Board

Originally published at: This Halloween, visit "Ouijazilla," the World's Largest Ouija Board | Boing Boing


Who are they expecting to contact with that size board? Dormammu?


i dunno… can four people a’shuffling establish a proper ideo-motor effect?

…and what’s-up with the “Good Bye” at the bottom of the Ouija board? There’s no “Hello” anywhere and is promoting a sudden conclusion really in a game maker’s best interests?

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This is how you open a Hellmouth.

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buffy the vampire slayer GIF

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Some construction project manager somewhere is wondering why their shipment of plywood is late, sees this story, and yells, “gawd damnit.”

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Just because you’re summoning up a world-devouring unspeakable horror from the Dungeon Dimensions doesn’t mean you can’t be polite about it.


Good chance to (in later years? Wood treatment permitting?) have fireworks accomplish CHAOS! Bye. etc. Sure it starts out slow with blurting out a few sinners’ private ETH passphrases or SQL attacks on the land tax authority maps, but then Q/R codes in burning grass pop up, possum start dancing circles, people start talking in Jonathan Blow languages, it starts materializing AAPI minions after the open-apple, octathorpe, alt, shift, etc. materialize, like 25 instances of the …cursor…people doing stuff like barfing fish heads and the audience being told nah, that’s a legit observed side effect of their kidhood arthritis medication sorry, maybe it could climax with the True Beforzniak Ford Communications Mods…Stellantis etc. “Oh did we not coordinate this with AWA…huh.” Then suggest an evil pivot that happens to be going on as willful farce otherwise?

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