This Is Fine

The big thing here is the sheer number of drivers looking at their phones instead of driving. Sitting at a light watching drivers coming the other direction, it’s at least 1/3 of them where I’m seeing the top of their head instead of their face. Same thing following people. The image in their rear-view mirror is - eyes…top of the head…eyes…top of the head…eyes…etc.

As a result, they leave more following distance than necessary (like, 100 meters) during heavy traffic, making traffic jams worse. They sit at the intersection when lights change, so fewer people get through, again making traffic worse. It would be no surprise if it also means more pedestrian accidents.


We have reached the section of the Rome is Burning part of late-stage capitalism in which we need to be building DIY home air filters b/c wildfires.


I have three of them running in the house. One filter combo is exactly what is demonstrated in that video, and it works. Today they were enough to take the morning air quality reading of “red” range on my cheap PM2.5 sensor down to the “green” range.

Yesterday we swapped out the filters from the last smoke episode; they were remarkably dark. The new filters are colouring up quickly as well.



Great quick advice though, thanks! I’ve only seen the with three filters. Corsi boxes, i think they’re called?


Reminds me of the one time I sat on the roof of a house I was staying at on Main St. It was in the afternoon when everyone was driving home for the day. I counted about the same ratio. This was remarkable to me, in 2005, when cell phones had really caught on, but texting hadn’t. It was dangerous and illegal back then too, but at least everyone could still keep their eyes on the road!


This is an epidemic in the college towns around here. I assume it’s a generational thing, but having kids oblivious to their surroundings, lost in their phones, walking out into traffic, walking into telephone poles, tripping on sidewalks, etc is everyday. And they always act like they are outraged that the squealing brakes distract them from the phone. I don’t know, maybe it’s the new “You kids get off my lawn,” but they get hurt like this.


Some places have put traffic signals into the crosswalks so that people looking down might see them.


Welcome to Melbourne.


…and once again people who don’t do stupid shit get to make big, expensive changes for the people who are thick as two short planks.

I’m a compassionate AF, empathic AF, bleeding heart leftist, but sometimes I get the sinking feeling that allowing some of the ‘stand open-beaked looking up at the heavy rain until drowning’ types in the flock to cull themselves wouldn’t be such a bad thing after all.

edited to make more sense


I understand your frustration. In this particular scenario, my concern is also for the drivers who might not be able to stop in time when pedestrians who aren’t paying attention step out in front of them. I’ve seen enough close calls to give me nightmares, and I wasn’t even driving the car that nearly hit someone. :woman_shrugging:t4:


It’s obviously best when no one else is involved in any way, of course. Solo Darwin Award candidates sort of thing. :frowning:

A “friend” either never really understood the Darwin Awards, or was being deliberately, perversely obtuse. No way to really tell with him. He acted horrified by the Awards, and asked if a friend’s friend’s suicide made him eligible. Trying to explain that the Awards were given to seriously stupid people who’d done fatally stupid shit was pointless. He just argued and argued without listening nor trying to understand, which seemed to be his favorite thing to do - and the more frustrated the other person became, the better.

He was a vampire, an energy thief who’d manipulate your ass off.


Good, they mention the number in the article 3% failure is a LOT for the number of people that go through the airport. And given how rare terrorism is, it’s probably going to increase their workload by orders of magnitude to no real effect.


I’m sure the algorithm won’t be racist at all! /S


An aside, I told a coworker that I was going sailing on the Chesapeake over the 4th and he asked if “they” allowed people to sail out there because of, you know, terrorism.

I just can’t fathom what goes on the minds of the paranoid uninformed. I can’t.


… you could blow up the ocean out there :thinking:

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That’s only about 25-26 million people per year.

As noted - it’s already been shown to be a racially biased system. It’ll also target transitioning people.

