I’ve been seeing and hearing Silver make the rounds with some new book he’s hawking. It’s always him spouting some vague, barely meaningful, centrist blather. I 'm still not sure what the book is supposed to be about. He’s become my new poster boy for Mediocre White Male Success Story of the Year. Just sound super confident about Important Topics, toss in a few big words and some historical references, and you’re golden, baby!
Throughout the DNC, prominent “fact-checkers” filtered Trump’s remarks through a MAGA spin cycle. To be blunt, it’s shockingly poor journalism.
IMO, this falls far short of the mark and doesn’t really answer the question. What’s wrong is that they are distorting the facts to make the outcome of their analysis favorable to TFG, because the owners of the outlets they work for want him to win.
Oh heaven forfend that we talk all fancy and use big words naturally!
Or that some people read the dictionary for fun! or have a facility with language(s).
Yeah. I’ve tried to tone that down myself, even here, where I’ve been asked if I “swallowed a thesaurus.” (Well no, I just read a lot, and I use some of the words I encounter. Sorry, I guess? )
Do you think Charles Dickens ever apologized for using every $.50 word he stumbled upon? Nah. Haters gonna hate, so use your vocabulary as you see fit.