This McDonald's "Warmest Greetings" cup is overflowing with the spirit of Christmas 2016

Reminds me of the S.E. Rykoff slogan, which I used to see a lot when I worked in a restaurant many years ago.


That’s the thing: it’s not an “objectively terrible image”.

Admittedly, it’s not very creative. But it’s not terrible in the sense that it looks exactly like someone spreading their butt-cheeks, or goatse, or whatever, before the fingers are drawn onto the cup. What it looks like is what it is: a pair of mittens, perhaps intended to be cradling the cup itself in it’s hands, or being warmed by the cup being held. And any reasonable, un-jaded person would think so too.

The fact that someone got “spreading butt-cheeks” out of it says more about them than it does the talent of the graphic artist in question.

I don’t mean to sound like a crank. I’m just bugged, is all. And no, I’m not disappointed! But all of this, in my mind, kinda relates to the whole “camel toe” thing. One can look at swimsuit photographs from first half of the 20th century and see cameltoes fairly often. The difference between then and now is that folks back then apparently either weren’t so zeroed-in on cameltoes, or weren’t concerned by them, or (more likely) had the common decency not to make a big deal about them when they occasionally, accidentally made an appearance, and either airbrushed them out, or simply went on about their business and ignored them.

Whatever. It’s just a jacked-up world when something as innocuous as a holiday image gets turned into scat humor and becomes as meme-worthy as all this, is all…


Pretty sure that is the new Chipotle cup.



I laughed and laughed and laughed. I do like the human race sometimes.

Mankind’s ability to disgust has its upsides from time to time.

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Way off base. McDonalds coffee tastes much worse.



You can also fold Butterfinger to be Buttfinger.


I resemble that remark!



What if you use a Unicorn Horn to make the hole in the cup? I originally typed poke the hole but thought better of it (or is that butt thought better)). Was that a triple entendre?


Don’t forget Pep Boys Matches


Manny, Moe, and Jack-off!


If someone could figure out how to incorporate lemon party into that we’d have a trifecta of ancient (in Internet terms) icky memes.

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Sing it, kids -
“It’s a jacked world, after all,
It’s a jacked world after all,
It’s a jacked world after all,
It’s a jacked, jacked world”

I’ll raise you one Jersey City Parking Authority sliding door. They’re a ticketing agency so dysfunctional that it has actually managed to run in the red, just think about that.


Didn’t know that one (or that they had matches).

Manny reminds me of Ron Mael.

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Parking enforcement can certainly be jerks. I’ve had them leave a ticket on my windshield while I went to the convenience store to get change for the meter.

Anyways, it reminds me of a joke:

Q: What’s the third derivative of position?
A: Jerk.
Q: Okay, you don’t know it, that’s no reason to insult me…

