This political sorting hat will assign you a nice flag

I’m going to say it all I want, and those other words too because some even describe me. :wink:

I’m sure with a lot of the people who are similar-but-not-quite can be put up to a lot of bad wording of the questions. I was going through it and thinking “wow, the person or people who wrote these questions really have a knack for overly academic and flowery language”. Not to mention some things could just be taken completely the wrong way and should have been worded better. The abortion one struck me as really bad as my response could have been “yeah, those conditions are the person carrying the embryo/fetus wants one or needs one. Those are two conditions, that’s limited, right?”. :wink:

Well, they are accurate. Let’s do what we can, but at the same time BASH THE FASH!

Dunno how I scored so high with authority or tradition, but seems legit.


That’s how I choose to interpret it.

That was one of the hardest ones for me to answer. In principle I believe all humans are equally valuable. But in practice I spend more than half my time concerning myself with my own country because it’s where I can have the most impact, I’m cautious of the colonialism inherent in telling others how to run their country, and I have to go out of my way to get international news (which I do), while national news is inescapable. In the end I went with somewhat agree, because I think they were asking about the principle but strongly agree seemed disingenuous.

Yeah, honestly the vagueness was problematic. There were so many questions that depend on context or lumped too many things together where I’d answer differently and strongly for them if asked by themselves. That said, I tried to limit neutrality to things I don’t care about such as sports or really just couldn’t answer accurately without clarification. I wound up with a lot of somewhat agree and rather disagree answers. And I only managed that by assuming what they were driving at when they were unclear.

I think they mean employees aren’t coerced into contracts in order to obtain jobs. I choose rather disagree.

There I think they mean the law should be rigidly enforced and followed. Or it’s just a bad translation. I choose strongly disagree.

Word. But if it makes you feel any better, after 117 questions all I got was a damn purple rectangle.

That makes more sense than my assumption that it was some attempt to analogize information freedom to database structures. Now I regret answering somewhat agree. Damn!


The results are as vague as the questions. The only axes I take major issue with are:

Ecology/productivism (the fact that I don’t want to ban GMOs isn’t incompatible with ecology, ect…)

Communism/capitalism (my ideal economic system would be a market version of anarcho-syndicalism but apparently people who wrote a long-ass political questionnaire think it’s still the Cold War)

Speaking of which, where’s my anarchism badge?!

On the plus side, I learned a new word: militate.


I realize we’re veering dangerously off-topic, but just in case you didn’t know, let me point out that the vast majority of meat production in the US is fueled by crops like corn and soy.

So even replacing factory farmed meat with the worst agribusiness mono-cropping would very dramatically reduce the amount of land needed to feed everyone.

Of course, if you want to talk utopian permaculture scenarios, there will be some animal-based food in there, but sadly that’s far from the world we live in.


I have only just realised - this means I have a flag!
Well, off to greater things!


Yeah, this was my result and I had a neutral answer to a lot of it. So many of the questions without context were irrelevant to my political positions.

That’s the same flag I got!
Results were smiilar, too:

I tend to avoid the “Strongly Agree/Disagree” answers, because I’m not fond of absolutes, so I probably look more moderate than I might appear in conversation, for example.

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Yeah, the 8values thing is a lot more comprehensible and figured out my political and economic affiliations a lot more accurately.

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Sports requires teams, and teams make you communist!

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I’ve taken this test four times now, and I STILL keep getting sorted into Hufflepuff . . .


Are you generally amiable and good at finding things?

There’s no shame in being a hufflepuff. While ravenclaws are thought of as intelligent, and gryffindors are considered brave, and slytherins are ambitious, the hufflepuffs have what the magical community is sorely lacking in every Harry Potter story:

Common Sense.

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Yeah a lot of the questions I could not be sure what application or limits were meant to be and so if they seemed like they could cause larger problems than they solve I went with … gray. Also if I just thought I’m not well enough informed to make a confident stand on something I erred neutral. Plus I picked a lot of weaker agrees and disagrees mostly because some taken to an extreme I can envision, it seems like one of many video game dystopias.

I do approve of the extremely simple but modern flag, especially the use of purple.

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I thought it was… Magenta?

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Long live the bumbling badger of mediocrity!


It had to be done!



So all we each have to do now is brew some beer. Then we’ll each be our own real country!


Meat-eating isn’t doing the world any favors.

I remain unconvinced.

I think that was a poor translation of something about information sharing between government agencies, such as should the police have access to your tax or medical records.


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All that I know most surely about morality and obligations, I owe to football

Albert Camus

The socialism I believe in is everyone working for each other, everyone having a share of the rewards. It’s the way I see football, the way I see life.

Bill Shankly