Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2020/09/17/this-rare-vibrant-heirloom-co.html
Is the flour you get from these as brightly coloured?
Great post. Thank You.
I grew some glass gem last year. I haven’t ground any into flour yet, but it does pop and it looks like regular corn when popped. The starchy center of the kernel is still white, so I expect that the flour would appear as normal.
I had seen the story of this corn in a short documentary about heritage corn seeds a few years back and its a really great story. There’s also an amazing variety of corn i’ve secretly wanted to plant some interesting varieties whenever i buy a house for the fun of it.
this is such a hopeful, wonderful thing. i wish we would give the same attention and care now to wheat, which used to be so diverse and now has been reduced to something like one kind.
My small haul last summer
How’s it taste?
This is corn? I’d swear that’s made of glass. Iridescent pink, how the hell does this exist?
What an incredible and wonderful thing
Good! I mean, it’s popcorn, so depending on how you make it, it tastes like salt and seasoning. The texture is great, though. Somehow, it doesn’t have those little shards that get stuck in your gums. I also found that while a lot of my kernels didn’t pop, the ones that didn’t were still edible and really tasty. With commercial popcorn, the kernels that don’t explode get hard and gummmy. In contrast, the glass gem kernels that didn’t pop just developed this nice crisp crunchiness.
If the Cherokee claim him, he’s Cherokee.
I don’t know about the US, but in Canada we long had a rule where a native woman marrying a white man lost her native status. But they weren’t disowned by their people.
The need to mention “native ancestry” is for people like me. I have Syilx ancestors (and distant cousins) , because my great, great, great grandmother was Syilx. But that doesn’t make me Syilx.
I have Metis ancestors because of her daughter and grandson, fusion in Red River. There it’s less clear, because having a native ancestor doesn’t make one Metis, but fitting the requirements does. My membership is on hold because I need to prove a connection between my father and grandfather, a truth I’ve known all my life but not so easy to prove decades after both died.
But, people don’t appreciate being referred to as having native ancestors when they are actually native. The phrasing seems to come for people who’s claim is merely ancestry, so the distinction important, and use troubling when someone is native.
It all comes from too many people making claims based on some very vague family history, or having concrete family history and assuming that gave native citizenshiop.
I’ve never seen corn with that color set, it looks amazing. Though the lead photo looks like they upped the saturation to increase the effect. >.>
My ex-wife bought some organic popping corn of a variety of colors, and she was disappointed it all still popped white.
If the center of the kernel is white, it will still ground white.
True, but like many Natives today, they have other ancestors as well, hence the description in the post.
But, people don’t appreciate being referred to as having native ancestors when they are actually native.
I don’t understand this statement. Native people have native ancestors and generally revere/are proud of them.
In the US having concrete family history should provide a path for tribal citizenship. But it depends on the tribe and often how large they are. Larger tribes tend to have more rules that restrict citizenship, while smaller tribes may adopt a “one drop” rule.
Yes there are many more people claiming native ancestry with out any proof beyond family legend.
Beautiful, it looks almost too good to eat! I give thanks that there are still people out there who are dedicated to bringing such things back from obscurity.
Hell yeah!
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