This silly Prozd sketch shows the power of student councils in anime

Originally published at: This silly Prozd sketch shows the power of student councils in anime | Boing Boing

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Considering that most anime has middle school and high school characters that look like buff 20-30yos and might have premises where the school has: Assassins, magicians, has rampant institutionalized gambling, has guns/weapons, etc. Having student councils have ridiculous levels of authority is often the least unbelievable thing i need to worry about :stuck_out_tongue:


I wish I was more into anime and gaming so I could get more of Prozd’s stuff. Dude is genuinely funny.


I’m really happy that Prozd is back to doing these types of skits. He seemed to be on a bit of a hiatus from this sort of content for awhile and was instead doing ‘taste and rank all of x’ style of videos. Which aren’t nearly as fun.

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