Thoughtful, devastating critique of Jordan Peterson's "12 Rules for Life"

Thank you!

As expected, it doesn’t say what he claims it says. Insert Fry Shocked gif here.

The details:

The paper sees some changes in reactions to hormones and brain chemistry after a failed contest for dominance in a tank. It’s speculated that there may be some changes in neural pathways, or activatable receptors behind the change, but it’s just speculation. Hardly melting down the dominant brain, and regrowing a subordinate one.

Also it’s crayfish, not lobster.

Also it’s in captivity, not in the wild. Many species of vertebrates and invertebrates behave very differently in the wild vs. captivity.

Also the changes were noted to be reversible.

Summarizing it like he did, especially with his background, was deeply deceitful.

He is full of shit.