Thoughtful, devastating critique of Jordan Peterson's "12 Rules for Life"

It’s because Jordan’s advice is a “fast-acting, short-term analgesic that will make many of his readers feel better temporarily, while failing to address their underlying problem. On the contrary, the book often fuels the very sense of entitled need which, when it goes unsatisfied, causes such pain and outrage.”

This fits into Peterson’s YouTube lecture formula that I noted elsewhere:

  1. Anodyne statement about the need to “get one’s life together” in a way that’s totally obvious to anyone who’s a well-adjusted adult with life experience. Often one of his “rules for life.”

  2. Just-so story about gender or racial differences explaining why it’s now so difficult for poor oppressed white males to follow this advice despite it being the natural order of things.

  3. Cherry-picked quoting of impressive study and/or respected dead white male thinker to bolster this view of traditional ways bogged down by feminism, affirmative action, etc.

  4. “So, if QED all right-thinking people should believe this should we not also give due consideration to…”

  5. Brief and oblique shout-out to alt-right talking point which is a more extreme version of 2.

  6. Criticism of a society that won’t give this idea a hearing even though he’s “proved” reasonable people and scientific research support it.

  7. Self-pitying story about how he’s been “censored”, too.

Step 7, by the way, is where he asks people to pitch a few bucks into his collection basket because “freedom.”