Tide pods are just the beginning! Behold the world of Forbidden Snacks

only off by 5 minutes!

This brings up a different problem. Because Americans are willing to stuff just about anything in their mouths (or relatives), you can’t get effective rat poison any more.

An abandoned restaurant near me was torn down and all the rats moves into my neighborhood. I put out plenty of the rat poison blocks. (The ones with some actual poison and not just salt.) The rats just ate them. It didn’t kill a single one. The only thing that has worked has been bait and big old school rat traps.

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I think you hit the nail on the head - though that ball really started its roll back when the first wave of GenX began high school (class of 1982), at least if my own experience is any guide. While “zero tolerance” as a buzzword hadn’t been coined yet, the crackdown mentality was already underway, and locker searches were already a thing. I managed to get suspended (in the early 1980s!) for bringing a goddamn bottle of ketchup for my lunch because the portion-packs were insufficient. Those born a couple of years before I was had smoking lounges in high school, for instance, while by the time I was there even a single cigarette would get you suspended. Even though, as one allergic to tobacco, it didn’t affect me, it still struck me as a bit unfair, and it became a pattern that has repeated itself over and over again; shortly before I turned 19 (beer/wine drinking age in Illinois), the drinking age was raised to 21. And on and on and on…

It has only become worse since then, and it’s a big factor, though certainly not the only one, in why I decided never to have kids.


Given the fact that people got hurt because of this group pressure/five minutes of fame/competition shit, this is upsetting.

These so-called challenges are so deeply full of shit.

This no game. This life.

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Not “people” (in general) but small children who already put items (that don’t look like candy) into their mouths.

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What has Tide done wrong in this case? I really don’t see how they can be held liable, unless they’ve done something to encourage this behavior?

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tide knew about the risk, thats why they rolled this product out in test markets before america. they must have CBA’d for this eventuality and found it profitable

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When I was a kid, even though I knew better, I thought these looked amazing. The ads on TV where the little beads spilled out only made it that much more so.


dr mario level temptation


Apparently it’s cognitively disabled adults who do a disproportionate amount of the dying(presumably because they aren’t necessarily as closely supervised as children and have greater ability to access household storage areas).


its the “did it for the vine” effect. used to be the same with americas funniest home videos

Got it.

Category: Anyone who does not know better and is unsupervised.

It wouldn’t surprise me if children are the ones contributing most of the poison control center/ER traffic; just because they are more numerous and more likely to have enough access to get a taste but not enough autonomy to go undetected; but I wasn’t able to find any useful breakdown on severity of nonlethal cases, and there’s a great deal of difference between ‘rinse your mouth out now and don’t try that again’ and ‘chemical burns in places you don’t want chemical burns’ so the lump cases per year figures aren’t terribly enlightening.

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This doesn’t necessarily fill all the gaps, but it does provide interesting 2016 stats… especially for poisonings based on age and gender.



I’d like to know what drug that is. “Tiny time pills” isn’t a medication molecule. It’s a delivery system. (Same kind of system as in Adderall XR btw.)

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r/forbiddensnacks is my new favorite subreddit.

beschizza goes through favorite subredits like Stefon goes through nightclubs.


Like active ingredients?


Tiny Time Pills was Doctor Who’s garage band in his teen years.


This was posted on the forbiddenfoods

Researchers have seen this with warnings on cigarettes and violent video games. They can backfire and actually increase the appeal.

Whoa there. You mean I’m not supposed to have a shelf of “M” games? I wasn’t supposed to play “Shadow of Mordor” or “Pillars of Eternity” or “Company of Heroes” or “Firewatch” or any of the other games that don’t immediately come to mind?


It’s interesting to observe the “kids are stupid and have concerned parents” effect(which also seems to be the place where males have an edge) gradually shading into the “adolescents and adults are suicidal and/or have dangerous jobs” effect(with women edging out men once they hit 13-19).

Visible both in the breakdown by age and the breakdown of severity of effect by age: for the under-6 crowd slightly over 95% were “nontoxic, minimally toxic, or had at most a minor effect”(suggests a combination of eating anything available and parental vigilance) while teens and adults have similar, much higher, rates of “moderate, major, or fatal”; with teens having a substantially higher ‘no or minimal’ and adults having less of that and more ‘nontoxic or minimal toxicity’.

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