TIL: John Mulaney has an upcoming kid's musical comedy special

Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2019/12/17/til-john-mulaney-has-an-upcom.html


I don’t believe it’s a kids comedy special. It’s a comedy special with kids. May not be “family” entertainment.

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I dunno, but I think it’s supposed to be precisely that from the way he’s described it. A throw-back variety show for the whole family. What a delightful, proud Asian woman Mulaney is.

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I’ve seen a few interviews with him about it and he makes sure to describe it as a comedy special with kids. And while he’s also describing it as a throw back to a certain type of kids show from the 70’s and 80’s the example he gives is how bizarre early Sesame Street was, with adults standing on a corner chain smoking with a puppet and bluntly telling children that death exists.

Mulaney doesn’t exactly work blue, and he seems to be a favorite among families I know with older kids. I really doubt the intent with this is to be entertainment for young kids. Which “kids comedy special” would indicate. As much as he might be referencing Captain Kangaroo as an influence, I don’t think he’s trying to make an actual kids show.


Whatever it is, I will watch the hell out of it!


John Mulaney is very funny. I like the guy.
however, his sitcom sucked and I’m pissed that he stole Nasim Pedrad away from SNL to be on it.
this looks more like something good. I’m betting the kid-friendliness is probably gonna be like the early HBO special of the pre-playhouse Pee Wee Herman Show, in that it was totally for adults, referencing the type of shows he grew up with, but nothing that would actually be inappropriate if a very young child saw it (they just wouldn’t get it and think it was weird.)
I first saw Pee-Wee on Letterman in like the 4th or 5th grade by chance. Old enough to understand it was parody for grown-ups but nothing I didn’t “get,” also. That was probably around the age of some of the kids in Mulaney’s show, so I reckon it’s all good.

I read that in John Mulaney’s voice.


Mulaney is one of the writers/performers on Documentary Now, and it looks like there’s a similar simulacrum/homage thing going on here?

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