To find Hillary Clinton likable, we must learn to view women complexly

Sure! Regardless of whether we have a Republican or Democratic president, just buy into the nastiest petroleum producers you can find - for instance, the ones that have been involved in human trafficking. You can find them in the lists of campaign contributors, I’m guessing. They are guaranteed to prosper under either regime.

But if the Republicans win, buy into makers and developers of autonomous death robots. I am completely, one hundred percent serious. I have a friend on the inside.

Well, I’m not in those categories, but anyone who wants to harm the people I love who are in those categories will have to go through me to get them. Does that count? My daughter, who is black, is frequently mistaken for Mexican. Sometimes by actual Mexicans - apparently she speaks Spanish with a mexamerican accent.

That is a very strong argument, and I respect it far more the fear mongering. Rest in peace Danny Peak, and much love to Miranda and Julie Nishimura, our hearts are with you.

Agreed. And I feel the same way about Hillary Clinton and Gary Johnson, frankly. I am embarrassed by and ashamed of my fellow citizens who can’t see the larger issues of human responsibility for the future of our species.

This is absolutely 100% correct. People here are claiming they know what he-who-must-not-be-named would do in office - that is utterly laughable. Nobody knows what he would do, because he has a long history of saying whatever he needs to say to get where he wants to be, and then doing whatever strikes his fancy with no regard for his prior claims and promises. It’s entirely possible that he’ll have a 4-year-long hookers’n’blow party in the Oval Office and leave the entire government up to the various undersecretaries, or then again he might try to annex Canada. It’s totally Russian roulette.

Unfortunately, we know from the “Brexit” fiasco that if a vote goes in favor of someone who engages in racist demagoguery, the racist underculture feels empowered and their violence goes up dramatically. So when I say I sincerely doubt that a Republican president would actually enact any policies more explicitly racist than those of Bill “crack baby superpredator” Clinton - don’t misunderstand me. I understand a Republican win would be bad for members of minority religions and people of color, and could easily lead to rioting or even civil war. If that happens, I won’t be fighting on the side of bigots (of any persuasion).

However, my concerns are larger than that. I’m worried about retaining a breathable atmosphere and a human habitable climate. The Democrats - other than Bernie, of course - are not going to deliver what I need, so I will help build the opposition. Nothing can change until people give up on the Republicrat/Demolican death spiral and start voting for candidates like Jill Stein (or, admittedly, Bernie Sanders.) And if nothing changes, we all lose.