To understand the future sainthood of Donald J Trump, just look at George W Bush

Uh yeah, no. I think liberals are looking back at ‘dubya’ as not so bad in comparison to the current lunatic. He screwed up over and over and over, but he wasn’t batshit crazy like… well pretty much this entire administration. Nor did it seem like he colluded w Russia or China to defeat Gore or Kerry (the Supremes gave it to W by one vote).


I don’t think anyone looks back at Nixon with fondness. I’m not really convinced Trump is going to fare much better, but time will tell.

But the water hazard makes up for that.


Carter was a mediocre leader but a great person. In his post-POTUS career, he continues to inspire us with his NGO projects, his charitable projects, his books, his ebullient personality (even in the face of brain cancer).

Trump is a terrible leader and a terrible person. He’s incapable of charitable impulses. Any new thing we later learn about his homuncular personality and acts are bound to make us more disgusted not less.


Here is a meditation on a nostalgia for authoritarian criminality focusing on Nixon. It could have just as easily included Reagan and Bush, but since the Watergate comparisons are so omnipresent I limited it to Nixon.

The song was written during the Reagan years with Nixon’s re-emergence as a retired ex-president seeking rehabilitation as a “statesman.” The video is new using old “found footage.”

Nice tattoo. I use that motto, or an English version of it often. Thing is, in my 2 years of high school Latin, I think I learned that as “illegitimi non carborundum”. Is this proper Classical Latin, another Latin form, or a modern Romance language version? Don’t want to be pedantic, just want to know if I’ve been saying it wrong for 50 years.

From wikipedia but you can find positive stuff on him elsewhere too

In 1986, Nixon addressed a convention of newspaper publishers, impressing his audience with his tour d’horizon of the world.[259] At the time, political pundit Elizabeth Drew wrote, “Even when he was wrong, Nixon still showed that he knew a great deal and had a capacious memory, as well as the capacity to speak with apparent authority, enough to impress people who had little regard for him in earlier times.”[259] Newsweek ran a story on “Nixon’s comeback” with the headline “He’s back”.[260]

On July 19, 1990, the Richard Nixon Library and Birthplace in Yorba Linda, California opened as a private institution with the Nixons in attendance. They were joined by a large crowd of people, including Presidents Ford, Reagan, and George H. W. Bush, as well as their wives, Betty, Nancy, and Barbara.[261]

Or about his death:

Richard Nixon was buried beside his wife Pat on the grounds of the Nixon Library. He was survived by his two daughters, Tricia and Julie, and four grandchildren.[264] In keeping with his wishes, his funeral was not a full state funeral, though his body did lie in repose in the Nixon Library lobby from April 26 to the morning of the funeral service.[267] Mourners waited in line for up to eight hours in chilly, wet weather to pay their respects.[268] At its peak, the line to pass by Nixon’s casket was three miles long with an estimated 42,000 people waiting.[269]

It’s dog-latin, like Linnean binomials; carborundum is a common commercial abrasive and not a proper latin word at all.

But it’s more pithy than truthy - withstanding the relentless grind of entropy, petty malice and ignorance is a noble cause, and while bitterness and despair might be trendy and cool, earnest good will is a superpower.


Insomuch as Liberals have been “warming” to George W. Bush I think it’s really just a matter of him being a terrible leader but a not-altogether-horrible person. If he’d just been a quirky next-door neighbor instead of someone in a position to put his terrible policies into action on an international scale then I probably still wouldn’t want him as a buddy but I suspect we’d manage to coexist without any major issues. I mean, at least the guy seems to genuinely love his family and his dog and tacos and whatnot. That’s something, right?

Trump, on the other hand, is a walking pile of human garbage who appears to be utterly devoid of any positive attributes whatsoever. Even the way he EATS makes me angry—the mofo orders his steaks well-done and then slathers them in ketchup. That’s like murdering your meat TWICE.


Fuckin’ A!

I can’t think of even one redeeming quality which can be honestly attributed to 45.


Are you saying he’s the kind of guy you could see yourself having a beer with?

(…That was a W thing right? I was 5 during round 1 and 9 for round 2)

He also did a lot of harm.

Shrub banned US funding from going to HIV prevention unless the organisations involved refused service to active sex workers.


To understand the future sainthood of Donald J Trump, just look at George W Bush Ronald Reagan


Nixon got caught with his hand in the cookie jar.

There is a lot more that he did that is largely forgotten by people not alive then. Both good and bad!


Skip to 1:20.

Methinks the liberal doth protest too much. There is and has been been no shortage of liberals on the national stage willing to say “We ought not have invaded Iraq, but as long as we’re there now…” You notice how the previous, liberal, administration is the only administration in our history that inherited two wars and kept them going through the entirety of two administrations for the current fuckwit in the White House to inherit? (And yes, we’re no longer “occupying” Iraq, we’ve simply maintained a troop presence in the thousands since 2003…) Does you memory not serve to recall liberal candidate Kerry in the 2004 election drumming up support for increases in numbers of troops occupying Iraq?

I would surely like to see liberals hold elected Democratic officials to the same standards they hold Republicans, instead of treating politics as some kind of team sport where the point is to root for your side no matter what.


That he’s… mortal?


I’d like to see all politicians of any and all political bents held to the standards that they expect the general public to adhere to; living solely off minimum wage, paying the same amount as the average low level office worker for health insurance, no special privileges or exemptions for anything.

Yeah, I guess the fact that 45 will die (and hopefully soon) is a positive… but that’s not a trait or personal attribute he has any control over - thank heaven.


Yep. One good thing I can say about Trump: when he does pass away, flowers are going to grow like crazy on his grave :wink: