Today in transphobia (Part 2)

I think i like this guy, for this statement, at least.


The other video is upthread…




Paula Grossman - Wikipedia(October%2030,the%20basis%20of%20sex%20discrimination

“One of Grossman’s students in New Jersey was Meryl Streep.[18] Another former student, Scott Keeler, wrote a newspaper essay on Grossman in 2007, for the Tampa Bay Times, recalling that “educators and adults in my community, including my own father, let pass the opportunity to teach tolerance and acceptance, and everyone was the worse for it.”

plus ça change



I wonder how many people who had praised Haidt’s book here on the BBS a few weeks ago even got to this part of his argument

The research has shown repeatedly that social media is valuable for many young people, especially those struggling in their local communities and families (multiple studies highlight how LGBTQ youth rely heavily on social media in very helpful ways). Taking that lifeline away can be damaging. There are numerous stories of kids who relied on social media to help them out of tricky situations, such as diagnosing a disease where doctors failed to help.

Similarly, Haidt is no policy expert, and it shows. In the book, he supports policies like the “Kids Online Safety Act,” which has been condemned by LGBTQ groups, given that the co-sponsor of the bill has admitted she supports it to remove LGBTQ content from the internet. That’s real harm.

He also comes out in support of “Age Appropriate Design Codes” (AADC), despite the fact that California’s attempt to pass that has been deemed unconstitutional, as it would require websites to remove constitutionally protected content.

Haidt only acknowledges this turn of events in an endnote, though he completely misrepresents the legal challenges and why the court ruled as it did. He brushes aside those concerns as simply being about Big Tech not wanting to embrace these laws (which is wrong, as they’ve supported most of these laws, knowing it creates barriers to startups and entrenches their positions). The reality is that, in practice, AADC laws have been found to stifle often important content.

The Markup recently published a story about schools that attempted to block problematic content such as pornography, cheating, and harmful content for kids. But what really happened was they ended up blocking sites that were useful for kids, including the Trevor Project (which provides suicide prevention resources and tools directed mainly at LGBTQ youth), Planned Parenthood, and more.


We have no idea of the long term effects of kids becoming journalists on their long term happiness. Given the vast anecdotal evidence of alcoholism and suicide amongst journalists; we really should put a hold on youth joining the profession until age 25. And much better studies are needed on the outcome of becoming a journalist compared to equally situated peers.


Where is my middle finger emoji?


Chemical addiction rates are super high among law students and lawyers. We should definitely kill all the lawyers.


WA Liberal leader Libby Mettam has insisted that her party’s new policy that calls for a ban on transgender youth being able to access puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones is based on science and not ideology.

The Liberal leader announced the party’s new policy this morning via an interview with The West Australian newspaper.

The move makes the Liberal party the first mainstream political party to suppport a ban against the current model of care for transgender youth.


Even as Cass herself backpedals from this drek as fast as she can. It’s never about science, it’s about hate. Period.


Falsehood flies, and truth comes limping after it; so that when men come to be undeceived, it is too late; the jest is over, and the tale has had its effect

Jonathan Swift


If it helps, the 2021 Western Australian election was an absolute shellacking of the Liberals, already in opposition there. They went from Her Majesty’s Opposition, waiting patiently for their turn to get back in their rightful place as the government party, to very nearly being eliminated entirely from the state government, winning only two seats in the house.

In football terms, as I understand the concept, the Liberal Party in Western Australia is very close to relegation to the “and other parties” league.

TL;DR: The Western Australian Liberals say all sorts of things: that’s what’s led them to the level of success they’re currently enjoying.


Probably by design. Launch an unsupported mess, then retreat from it without retracting it.


Businessperson Chris Miller is running in the GOP primary for governor of West Virginia next month, and his campaign has one clear message: he simply hates transgender children.


His pronoun…” . . . do these people spend even one second thinking about what they say? Or do they actually not know what a pronoun is?

ETA: Also…if his pronoun is “money-grubbing liberal”, than means he’s saying he’s a money-grubbing liberal. These people really are fucking morons.

ETA Pt. 2: Ok, I misunderstood. He’s applying that “pronoun” to one of his Republican opponents. He’s still a moron.


Unfortunately, in WV this will be accepted by many without too much question. I have well-educated extended family still in WV who spout tis shit pretty routinely. Our conversations are very infrequent and abbreviated.


Right? But honestly, their only goal is to “trigger the libs”. But they just end up sounding like idiots. :woman_shrugging:



Idiot alert:

“I” (I’m) is also a pronoun.

I think all asshats who claim they are ‘against pronouns’ shouldn’t be allowed to use any, ever.

Including I, You, It, That, They, Them, and Those.

Instead they must use every noun’s entire proper name, every single fucking time they speak.