Today in transphobia (Part 2)

Wouldn’t you need a control group of cisgender kids who get hormone therapy and who don’t to be truly useful?


Indeed. Double blind medication studies aren’t always ethical, so while they are the “gold standard” for research, there are times when they aren’t appropriate. One of those is where the safety and efficacy of the medication is actually already pretty well established, as it is with gender affirming health care, regardless of what that quack says.


Can this get any worse for me? I’m not going to let some TER coerce me into going into conversion therapy, or lie about it until it’s too late (again!). It’s no wonder my PTSD symptoms have been going off all over the place for the last few days.

As for the double blind study, my arm scars are my evidence of the effects of not treating trans children.


Pig Hug GIF

What’s frustrating is that by all accounts, we KNOW what helps trans kids, and that’s gender affirming care. Like, there isn’t any question what helps, because we’ve had well over a century and more of gender affirming care that we can see for ourselves.

I know that from the case of my BFF and her kid getting the gender affirming care that they needed. It saved their life and they are alive and thriving now because of the intervention that they got when they needed it.


True. Also, as with all motivated reasoning, she would just come up with another fault by which to disqualify studies that reach a conclusion she does not like. Double blind studies are great where applicable. In this case, they are just not.

@Mindysan33, exactly. I can say the same for my youngest. She’s not in a great place, largely due to rampant social transphobia here, but she is in a far better place than before transitioning.


It’s a case study in how to cherry pick. And absolutely nothing else. I hate it.


While experts in the field say more studies should be done, Canadian doctors who spoke to CBC News disagree with the finding that there isn’t enough evidence puberty blockers can help.

“There actually is a lot of evidence, just not in the form of randomized clinical trials,” said Dr. Jake Donaldson, a family physician in Calgary who treats transgender patients, including prescribing puberty blockers and hormone therapy in some cases.

“That would be kind of like saying for a pregnant woman, since we lacked randomized clinical trials for the care of people in pregnancy, we’re not going to provide care for you.… It’s completely unethical.”


Cross posted in SCOTUS


I scanned through his order. The good news is that their decision is not based on how likely they might be to find Idaho’s law constitutional. They based it purely on the idea that the enforcement of the law should be blocked only for the plaintiffs, and not for others not even involved in the lawsuit (in this case, all other trans youth in Idaho). While I disagree strongly, at least it’s not an indicator that he and the other conservatives have already made up their minds about the constitutionality of the law.

Another silver lining…Clarence Thomas missed court today without explanation. He also didn’t participate via Zoom, which Justices sometimes do when they are sick. I hate to wish ill of anyone, but I sure wouldn’t mind it if Biden got a chance to replace Thomas before November.


Next up for transphobes: attack Title IX


One of the oldest ploy on the books is “It’s not YOUR fault this is happening, it’s THAT thing over there!” Followed immediately by “But fear not…I have the solution”




Nice focus there postie.


From the CNN article…

Ye referred to the writings as “his memoir,” which begins with a disclaimer that it is a work of fiction, the arrest warrant says.

They said the cops picked him up after there were some warnings from someone who knew him from a psych program?

They note this…

Ye was hospitalized in December 2022 for “threatening to ‘shoot up a school,’ homicidal, and suicidal ideations,” according to the arrest warrant. The student was then hospitalized for five months in 2023 at Johns Hopkins Pediatric Unit for “homicidal ideations.”
More recently, on March 15, FBI agents interviewed a school counselor who worked with the student from late 2022 to early 2023 and said Ye would “express violent thoughts such as shooting up the school, wanting to hurt other people, and would smile while saying it,” according to the arrest warrant.

No mention of the kid being trans, though…

There have been 140 threats this school year alone to Montgomery County schools, Montgomery County Police Chief Marcus Jones said during Friday’s news conference.

THAT is fucking depressing… :sob:

Nowhere else was it reported that the kid was trans, though. Just that rag… So, yet more stochastic terrorism from the right wing to stir up violence against trans people. Pieces of shit.

I take that back, the “Baltimore Banner” seems to have also said that the kid is trans (primarily by deadnaming them). :rage:


“ County Executive Elrich appeared to express the views of the public officials at the news conference when one of the media reporters, during a question-and-answer period, asked Elrich why he and the others who spoke at the news conferment failed to “admit that this individual was transgender.”

“Because it’s not a lead,” Elrich replied, asking if the press and law enforcement authorities should disclose that someone arrested for murder is “a white Christian male who’s heterosexual.” Elrich stated, “No, you don’t – You never publish somebody’s sexual orientation when we talk about this. Why you are focusing on this being a transgender is beyond me. It’s not a news story. It is not a crime to be transgender.”

The reporter attempted to respond but was cut off by the press conference moderator, who called on someone else to ask the next question.”