Toddler shoots, kills woman in Walmart

Dude you have got to be trolling!

Comparing resigning from a fan club to giving up ones citizenship and leaving your community?

You must be at least as high as me.


I don’t see the KKK having black people strum up membership to get more black people to join. They wouldn’t invite Allen West to speak at their event. If an organization was racist it would work to actively discourage membership AND exclude them for the cause they are fighting for. The NRA isn’t doing either.

I think there is less overlap because the NRA is considered a conservative organization, and most blacks vote liberal/democrat. Though in this case this is an organization that has their interest in mind and they should look into supporting.

It’s your opinion that law is racist. As it is written it isn’t. I applies to everyone equally - all creeds and colors.

A real racist gun law is something like going to the Sheriff every time you want to buy a hand gun. Then you have a gate keeper to your rights. And if that Sheriff doesn’t want black or whomever from owning guns, they will find a reason to deny it.

I want unhindered access to all law abiding people of legal age with a few prudent checks in place. I think what we already have right now is pretty good. I have no fear or or reason to deny the average person of any color access to a firearm. He or she may want it for defense (and probably needs it more so than I), or they might enjoy shooting as a hobby. Some of them need it for security jobs. The person bent on harming others is most likely to go through illegal channels or a network of friends/family/associates. More gun laws won’t stop him/her.

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How about the barriers to entry into the group? See any difference there?

End of story?

No. If Ted Nugent is a blatant nut racist, and yet the NRA keeps him on its board, the NRA is racist. Obvioiusly, and just for starters.

The energy you expend on fending off logic here is really quite impressive.


Ask someone who’s carrying a gun in their purse.

By this measure literacy tests weren’t racist, either. I mean, they never specified black people, right?

And stand your ground laws have been shown to NOT be applied equally to all creeds and colors. I gave you the links that show that.


Perhaps technically you can relinquish your US citizenship as easily as your NRA membership. There is however the added expense and nuisance of moving to a new country. The two are not equivalent.


But we’re talking about barriers to exit, not the hoops one jumped through to join or not.

Actually, we’re not even talking about that. We’re talking about wether or not membership in a group connotes blanket acceptance of the positions of all of its officials.

I posit that this is ridiculous 1) given the impossibility of reconciling ones own beliefs with each other [I am large, I contain multitudes, especially after all these holiday munchies] and 2) I don’t have to resign from a group in a huff just because one of the temporary leaders, elected by people other than me, because I voted for a completely different set of leaders, espouses a view I do not agree with.

Granted, this seems to be the model for Baptist Churches in America, or Political Parties in Italy, but whatevs.

Once I saw this guy on a bridge about to jump. I said, “Don’t do it!” He said, “Nobody loves me.” I said, “God loves you. Do you believe in God?”

He said, “Yes.” I said, “Are you a Christian or a Jew?” He said, “A Christian.” I said, “Me, too! Protestant or Catholic?” He said, “Protestant.” I said, “Me, too! What franchise?” He said, Baptist." I said, “Me, too! Northern Baptist or Southern Baptist?” He said, “Northern Baptist.” I said, “Me, too! Northern Conservative Baptist or Northern Liberal Baptist?”

He said, “Northern Conservative Baptist.” I said, “Me, too! Northern Conservative Baptist Great Lakes Region, or Northern Conservative Baptist Eastern Region?” He said, “Northern Conservative Baptist Great Lakes Region.” I said, “Me, too!”

Northern Conservative Baptist Great Lakes Region Council of 1879, or Northern Conservative Baptist Great Lakes Region Council of 1912?" He said, “Northern Conservative Baptist Great Lakes Region Council of 1912.” I said, “Die, heretic!” And I pushed him over.

source (actually, the “real” source is the tape I heard on a friends boombox back in 1985)

I never said they weren’t dangerous. They are. They are extremely simple to operate in a safe manner.

I still stand by my point where many guns aren’t made for the express purpose of killing, but sport. They have specific features that make them better for use in the sport they are used in.

My other point is even those “designed” for killing aren’t used for that, especially killing people.

I mean if every gun owner in America used their guns TWICE for what they were “designed” for, we wouldn’t have any non-gun owners in America. That means there are millions of times guns are being used for … something else… and a very tiny amount of time they are used for what they were “designed” for.

Wow… GREAT POST! Reaching back to the CIVIL WAR era. OK. Let’s play that way. About the same time, the Republicans (headed by President Lincoln) pushed through the Emancipation Proclamation. The Democrats were, by and large, opposed. So, the Democratic party is ALSO steeped in racism.

Now, back to this generation. It is possible that there may have been some racists in the organization 50 years ago, but that same statement hold true for almost ANY organization. How about recent history?

Hmmmm. Being required to show identification to vote is considered racist for some reason (and yet not racist if the TSA makes you do it before boarding a plane). OK. You have to show ID and fill out background paperwork before buying a gun. Explain why requiring ID before you can vote is racist, but it is NOT racist before buying a gun?

There has also been a lot of executive actions concerning the origins of guns. You cannot import an AK-47-type rifle. A certain number of parts have to me American-made. Does this change how it works? No. Does this change how dangerous it can be? No. This does one thing: drives up the price. Real racists should LOVE this. Keeping them expensive keeps them out of the hands of the poor, and the poor tend to be more racially diverse.

False equivalence alert.

The correct equivalence would be, “I don’t see the NRA having gun control advocates strum up membership to get more gun control advocates to join.”

And, lo and behold, no one sees that. Because it doesn’t happen.

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Please send me a couple organizations you support, as well as your favorite actors, singers, artists, authors etc.

I am sure I can find someone there who has undesirable thoughts or deeds and then I too can label you for their sins.

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More breaking news. Another mass shooting – 8 dead. We need more laws like they have in Canada where there are no mass shootings,

Hmm, wait. This shooting WAS in Canada. Mind… blown…

I also have no doubt that if this mass shooting WAS in the US, it would be on BoingBoing already as more proof that we need stricter gun laws. However, since in happened in Canada where they already HAVE stricter gun laws, you will hear nothing but crickets.

You don’t get around much, do you?

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I don’t like everyone on the board. I was just reading about another guy who’s made some bullshit statements about more ATF regs. In the past they have had people who would be fine with banning AR15s. They probably still have some like that because of the backlash anyone saying that has faced, they know enough to STFU about it.

Find me any other large organization where you 100% love everyone in it or it’s leadership. You can’t. There are racist democrats. Does that make the Democratic party racists? Of course not.

It’s a National Org and while I can cast a vote, I don’t have a lot of direct influence. There are still a lot of good people in the organization and the sister groups like Friends of the NRA. They also do a lot with public safety and training, and have probably the largest entity for training and certifying others to train people.

If they were supporting laws that were racist, limiting guns to the average law abiding person of the wrong color I would cut my card up today. But they aren’t. Even if the whole org was full of KKK members, they aren’t pushing for any legislation to discriminate their rights.

Just the contrary with Heller and McDonald. As I have pointed out. Several times. Who the hell hates black people and then pays a black guy money to promote them? I’m sorry the world is more complex than a simple yes/no - black/white answer. You can’t condemn a whole org because of some undesirable within it.

Most nuclear bombs have not been used for what they were “designed” for, but that doesn’t make them sports equipment.

You can say that about ALL laws not being equally applied. That isn’t the fault of the law, its the fault of the people and the system running it.

If an officer choose to not enforce a law because of a persons color that is on the officer, not the law. The law is blind.

The literacy test is a good example. I’ve heard people wanting mandatory tests for gun owner ships. Hmm - who do you think would be more likely to fail those tests? Does such a test give an entity a way to game the system and fail who they don’t want to pass?

I’m ornery today. There’s a burr in my shorts! I’m gonna argue with everybody! Both sides of the aisle, both sides of the issue, both sides of my mouth!



Well, until the dragon shows up…

UPDATE: OMG, this was meant for me! Today, anyway. No interesting in Channing, Tatum, Carol, or Alice.

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If blatant, unrepentant racist Ted Nugent sits on the NRA Board of Directors, that the equivalencde is Obama or another Democractic president having a blatant, unrepentant racist sitting on his or her cabinet. Which doesn’t happen.

You really are bad at seeing true equivalences.

Well if they made a sport involving nuclear bombs then you could say that. But come on man.

I gotta get back to work. I am surprised I haven’t gotten the auto warning “Gee you sure are posting a lot? Don’t you have a life? Have you even seen the sun today?”