Toilet designed to be uncomfortable to sit on, aimed at boosting employee productivity

Perfect opportunity to market and sell my portable toilet seat shim.


Let’s say I have, at some point, used a bathroom break as cover just so I could take a breather from my office space. So let’s also say I would have gotten back to my desk sooner if somehow I was not able to stay in the bathroom as long. Could anyone who has ever interacted with an actual human being explain how this would result in productivity gains rather than productivity losses?


Maybe the BoingBoing store can provide.


Ironically, the reason for adopting the guillotine was that it was more humane.


I’ll bet this toilet can be kicked off the wall just as easily as any other toilet.

This problem can be solved with moderate percussive maintenance.


Don’t worry too much about it yet, dear unHappy Mutants, as blog “The A.V. Club” (a sister site to Gizmodo) says it’s just a patent application – for now.

Sage advice from “The A.V. Club”: Be vigilant, for “those who do not learn the lessons of shitstory are bound to re-pee it.”


Save £4 billion per annum and lose £8 billion per annum in increased vandalism!


The pooper at my place of employ, I’d say it would likely fit a human that is under 5 feet tall and possibly like less than a 100 lbs.

We have a new contender for the worst toilet in Scotland.


Re the adjustable toilet (step) stool: Assuming that squatting (knees drawn up to the chest) promotes ‘better’ bowel movement, I’d think it’d be cheaper to simply have one’s chest drawn down to the knees sans the adjustable toilet stool. In other words… just bend over as far as you can while seated.


Made of solid wood. But small so it’s flushable.


I look forward to seeing the design.


There is a bit of truth and a bit of BS in that diagram. You can just bend over while you are sitting. You don’t necessarily have to elevate the legs.

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Of course.

On the benefit of squatting, (knees to chest, with or without the step stool) there are studies out there (quite Googlable) supporting to one degree or another the benefit re addressing constipation and other “posotional” (my word) BM related issues.

I suspect the rationale is: We’ve paid for your time, to work for us and be productive. Extra/excess time spent sitting on a shitter is non-productive time. We are not paying you to shit, but to do the job we employed you to do. The time you send not doing that job is therefore costing us money.

ETA that’s their rationale, not mine.

Admiral Hyman Rickover was known to do this – and lots of other stuff to make his interviewees physically and mentally uncomfortable. He’d also conduct interviews of first time interviewees in the morning (or maybe afternoon) and have it so the sun would shine right in their faces.

Also: A bad employee will find plenty of ways to waste time, a good employee who needs to take a prolonged crap is probably well aware that she’s got to get back to it but that, on balance, a few extra minutes on the hopper makes sense.


I’m sure that’s their rationale, but it’s disingenuous in the extreme (not that you were saying it wasn’t). The fact that people have to excrete waste (and that you’d usually rather they didn’t do so while working) has been part of hiring workers who work by the hour or the day since people first came up with the idea of hiring workers by the hours or the day.

It makes me think of Vader’s, “I have altered our deal, pray I don’t alter it further.”


This mentality that making life for employees in any way more reflective of treating them like robots or cattle where nothing done with comfort in mind for them is the first thing that makes me skip an otherwise good offer to work for someone.

I hope these things come with proprietary everything so that whoever uses these has to pay out the ass for foisting these on their employees.

I can imagine any place these are installed immediately signaling to their workers that their workers are not valued enough to take a normal dump, and will quickly see their workforce leave. This is so unhumanistically petty and skinflinty


Depends on if it was installed properly. I can confidently say that [RedactedCo’s] office won’t be getting one for the men’s room- the sole toilet for the 30+ men in the office works (for the moment), and a proposal to replace the urinal with a second toilet was denied on the grounds of ADA compliance, never mind that the existing toilet stall is ADA compliant. (either that, or it’s too close to the sink, or some other load of bovine excrement)