Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2020/12/16/tom-cruise-flips-his-lid-on-set-over-broken-covid-protocols.html
Why is he still a thing?
“What are you people thinking, not social distancing? I’m an old man, fercrissake!”
Seriously, even though there’s some bullying associated with the on-set power imbalance I can’t really blame him for losing it.
We’re all a bit touchy because it’s 2020. His level of touchiness is more highly tuned than most.
I was also entertained to read that he hired a “cruise” ship.
It’s his business no? Cruise / Wagner Productions has a lot to loose if the filming stops.
Brings back memories of the worst sport coaches I had as a kid.
Cruise himself paid for an older cruise ship
Ah yes, a giant floating petri dish.
Yeah, from the article it sounds like this is already a high-risk endeavour without adding in negligence of the health protocols.
Pun aside, how can such a vessel which has so often been shown to spread disease through inadequate ventilation systems possibly be safer than other accommodation options such as a bunch of small camper trailers or a luxurious tent city?
these people are all bubbled together, right? Stress kills, too
On the one hand, I can’t get super judgy about him wanting people to follow proper health and safety guidelines. On the other hand, he doesn’t need to be a dick about it, but obscenely rich celebrities amirite. On the gripping hand, the world really doesn’t need any more Mission Impossible movies.
I see this as a refreshing bit of reason from the usually totally nutbar Mr. Cruise. People are way too lax on the protocols and nobody is enforcing them, so good for him. He’s keeping them safe, since they apparently can’t manage it themselves.
It’s worth noting that masks and distancing are both needed to prevent spread. We’re seeing a lot of people who think one or the other is enough.
Because he still draws movie dollars. But yeah, I feel like Tom is rapidly becoming the Buddy Rich of our era.
Seriously. When I basically agree with Tom Cruise, I know 2020 is trying to make the most of its last couple weeks.
Covid Protocol.
Next up: COVID Protocol: Rogue Thetan
Yeah, this is pretty much the exact same meltdown I am on the verge of having EVERY TIME I see people doing stupid things that will get more people infected and killed. It’s less “crazy Tom Cruise” and more “what’s running through most sane people’s minds on a continuous loop in the US”.
Great. A new franchise.
Yeah, if you look at it without all his nutty backstory, it’s not all that unreasonable in context. I know he’s not doing it out of any sense of altruism, but even leaving the health stuff out of it, man if you’re on set and can’t recognize that the whole enterprise is employing hundreds of people who likely have gone months between paychecks and everything can be shut down if things go sideways, it’s probably necessary to have some discipline.
It is nice to be at a point in my life where I can walk away from work if a self important jerk as unprofessional as Tom Cruise decides to play authoritarian dictator. In any case, a tirade like this is only going to inspire fear, not loyalty or excellence.