TOM THE DANCING BUG: How to Tell the Difference Between an Open-Carry Patriot and a Deranged Killer

You mean apart from the fact that they are both trying to blend in and stay out of jail?

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How often were you attacked by tigers before you got that rock? How many peer-reviewed studies supported the claim that your tiger-repelling rock prevented such attacks?


So, basically just like Boko Haram.


I’m confused. Am I still allowed to open carry nuts or not?

I’m grateful to have been born in a nation where the police aren’t routinely armed and to have emigrated to one where the same is true. Being in an unarmed constabulary concentrates their minds a bit more and they aren’t so rash with lives —both their own and other peoples’ …

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The funny thing is, plenty of liberals own guns, and plenty of conservatives don’t own guns.

Even with Democratic gun ownership at an all time low, roughly 20 percent still own guns.

I have owned guns in the past, and never ever thought it was somehow beneficial to carry one around in public, concealed or open. Even the NRA pointed out recently (then immediately had to apologize), openly bringing long guns into restaurants doesn’t really help ensure your 2nd amendment rights, it freaks people out and so makes it easier for new gun laws to get support. Look at the numbers on the graph, gun-owners are probably outnumbered by non-gun-owners, if you freak out enough people you are (ahem) shooting yourself in the foot.


Given that they are around 1-2% of the population, it surely makes sense that society is designed around the need to, um, channel their energies in positive directions?

Nice pop culture references. I’m quite familiar with both franchises.

In both cases spoken only by characters with magic powers. Maybe the experiences of fictional people with magic powers don’t have all that much bearing on the utility of fear in real life?


In my pants. Thank you, thank you. I’ll see myself to the door.

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For bonus points, the dildo shout be attached to the bayonet mount :stuck_out_tongue:

You win this thread, says I!


I would consider the city you’re visiting. Are you going rural? Suburban? Ultra urban?

We also need to know the poverty and crime rate in your particular destination vacation.

I’m not saying the statistics are wrong, but I’m sure someone could brandish a map showing where the best gun violence for your money is guaranteed.

In other words, it’s all location, location, location.

All good Americans are easily terrified. Either you hate America, or your are scared witless at the sight or thought of any possible harm, including carrying a gun or sending text messages about guns.

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With the increasing rate of nut allergies, I’d say no, better keep 'em in the can.

You’re repeating a myth. Survey of federal felons found that <2% bought their guns at gun shows. Private sellers at gun show is actually usually very small. Usually none of the booths are run by non FFL holders. Most of the private guns you will see from other patrons with a sign stock to their rifle or case in their hand. Occasionally the someone like guy who sells cheap knives will have a private gun for sale.


Frankly, the only people carrying guns that do scare me are policemen.

Because they can use them with very few repercussions. The rest of us, not so much.


I belong to the paid advance-notice group for both Tom the Dancing Bug and This Modern World - in both cases, the artists request that the cartoons not be shared with non-subscribers until they are published for the public but I’ve noticed that Boing Boing consistently does not adhere to the artists’ requests in that regard.

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Close to this:

Image isn’t embedded because it shows a dildo taped to a gun…


Also this:

I think gun control is a place where partisan rhetoric has made people lose their fucking minds. I really can’t stand either the left or the right on the issue. Here is my “your partisan position is stupid” bullet point list.

  1. You can’t ban or even severely limit guns in the US. The US constitution will forbid it, and you can’t possibly change the 2nd amendment. It doesn’t matter how mad it makes you, this is life for the foreseeable future. The US Supreme court has ruled on this multiple times. You might interpret the 2nd amendment differently, but tough shit, the Supreme Court’s opinion is the only one that matters. You might be able to push the line a little, but a meaningful measure that actually has an effect on crime just isn’t going to happen.

  2. “Assault” weapon bans are stupid. Assault weapons are the weapons most likely to be used for peaceful purposes. The super majority of people killed by guns are killed by handguns. Assault weapons kill far fewer people than showers, bikes, and all sorts of boring and mundane stuff. Concentrating on them is stupid when boring old hand guns are vastly more likely to kill someone. Rifles and the scary looking weapons in general are are trivial problem.

  3. Guns kill people. No, seriously. If tomorrow you were to get rid of all of the guns, the murder rate in the US would plummet. We have had this experiment multiple times in multiple countries and the result is always the same. Ban guns and confiscate them and your murder rate drops like a rock. Sure, people can still kill with a knife or their fists, but it is a hell of a lot harder and more dangerous for the attacker.

  4. A ban on guns would make it vastly harder for criminals to get guns. Yes, they still would be able to get them, but the risk would be vastly elevated and it would be much more expensive. Guns are so easy to get in the US because the country is awash with guns. Take away the legal guns and there would be far fewer illegal guns, and those guns would be much more expensive, harder to obtain, and riskier to obtain.

  5. Open carry people are assholes when they open carry in inappropriate places. No one gives a shit if you walk into a convenience store in a rural hunting area with a gun, but you are an asshole if you do the same at some restaurant or supermarket inside of a city. People don’t like seeing assholes with unknown motives running around with lethal weapons in places where lethal weapons are not needed. They would also be freaked out if you wandered around brandishing a chainsaw, machete, or knife. There is a time and place where wandering around with a gun, chainsaw, machete, or knife won’t freak people out, the supermarket or a restaurant is not that time or place. If you don’t understand why this upsets people, you are not just an asshole, but a stupid asshole.

  6. Mass murders are not common in the US. The chance of you or someone you know dying to a mass murder is so absurdly small it isn’t worth a second of thought. It is a horrible personal tragedy when it happens, but it isn’t an epidemic and it isn’t a threat to your life. It is about as stupid to worry about mass murders as it is to worry about terrorist or being killed by your bathtub. McDonalds will murder multiple orders of magnitude more people than mass murderers will. If you are an American, you are almost certainly going to die of a heart attack, cancer, or an aging disease. Save your fear for those things.

Honestly, these days my position on guns is that having the country awash with them is stupid and destructive, but functionally something you can’t fix because you sure as shit can’t get the votes to change the constitution. Other lesser gun control laws that remain in the bounds of the constitution are completely worthless and mostly just harm law abiding citizens. You can’t fix it, so it isn’t worth fighting over. It is a stupid wedge issue. It is the perfect wedge issue because it is functionally unfixable. We should find something useful to fix. I wish people were half as impassioned about farm subsidies that could fill World War II style mass graves worth of Americans each year as they were about guns and gun control.


Facts? 40% of guns are sold without background checks, and gun shows provide about a third of the illegal trade in guns (most of the rest coming from straight-up illegal sales by dealers). The Columbine shooters used guns purchased at a gun show, but most mass shooters rely on the fact that a background check won’t stop them even if they’re not legally allowed to own guns (e.g. Virginia Tech shooter).
My point about California’s gun laws is that they’re only relatively regulated (i.e. relative to states that have minimal regulation), but they’re not, by any stretch, so restrictive that it makes the least bit of sense to call them “extra-tight,” because they’re clearly still quite loose. As you yourself point out, the only thing they’ve done with the laws is a ridiculous bit of political posturing, not any real, meaningful regulation.


California has the strictest gun laws in the US?
That’s as impressive as having the driest compartment on the Titanic.