Originally published at: Top FBI official who investigated ties between Trump and Russia has been charged with illegally helping a Russian oligarch | Boing Boing
Republicans: This Russian plot to corrupt the FBI is proof that the Russian plot to influence the 2016 election was nothing but a Democratic hoax! Somehow!
No, no, no. You need to have clearly assigned SIDES for this to make sense. Trump, the R’s, and the secret service are on one side. Biden, the FBI, and Ukraine are on another side. This is proof that the FBI is on the side of Russia, and thus Biden, are all the bad guys. It makes sense if you refuse to go past a 4-year-old’s modeling of morality and law (and ignore that this puts the Ukraine and Russia on the same side).
Nah. That would require new talking points.
The proper Republican response will be “But her emails, and Hunter Biden’s laptop!”
Very close to a Reboing
(Arrested/charged - but pretty much the same story.)
Also Hunter Biden. And Benghazi.
Thanks, Obama.
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