Top ISIS leader killed by U.S. Not the first time we've killed him, either

Wow! Just, wow! The people are just not self-righteous at all, eh?

/ so glad I was wearing rubber gloves when I clicked on the links.

[quote=“William_Holz, post:14, topic:75646, full:true”]
Nah. Just like all the rest, he was broken and a little insane and the fact that he was a Quaker just wasn’t that big a part of his persona.[/quote]
Oh, you mean Richard Nixon.


We will keep killing him until he dies from it!

It’s important to show progress in conducting the WOT. And it’s important that the WOT continues until the goal is achieved. The goal differs depending on who you are.

I find this language pretty frightening:

…Defense Department officials concluded that American strikes had killed…

Sounds like you drop a few bombs, then listen on the wire to see if the terrorists mention anyone getting got. Maybe I’m reading too much into it but the use of “strikes”, plural, sounds like they may not even know which particular strike it was that hit him.

Sounds like we’re still fighting the same War on Metadata that got a MSF hospital blown up.

We’re close to winning this thing!

Al-Baghdadi himself, has been taken out on two or three separate occasions…

Dude, we had a self-described Quaker President, Richard M. Nixon, driving the war in Vietnam.

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More evidence that oil wars will turn out to be -in retrospect - what started the zombie apocolypse.

The contradictions between Nixon’s religion and his career as a warmonger were among the things that drove him crazy. He told people in the peace movement he was on their side. He always said he was trying to end the war. He was utterly mad.


No, that’s the National Viewers and Listeners Association (prop. Mary Whitehouse, membership statsitics never reported.) UK Media Watch is the “All the newspapers other than the Jewish Chronicle are anti-Semitic and we’re not too happy about the Jewish Chronicle” brigade.

A pretty tasteless one if you actually know any Quakers. Obviously you did not know that there is a concerted Zionist attack on Quakers accusing them of terrorist sympathies because of their support for UN resolutions on the Israeli government and their attempts to help Palestinians economically.

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I never said I had taste. Though give me a break. A witty scenario where a pacifist manages to indirectly kill someone while not using violence. I should go pro!

At any rate, I don’t subscribe to any Zionist conspiracy news letters. The links you posted to fringe sites were interesting, but I stay off shit like that.

The NVLA renamed itself to mediawatch-uk. As opposed to UK Media Watch. (Which used to be CiF Watch? So it read Guardian editorial columns? Or the comments?)

Yes, they got me banned from the Guardian for repeatedly suggesting that Netanyahu was responsible for a lot of what was wrong with Israel, and complaining that people kept writing “Israel” when they meant “The Israeli government”. It was pretty obvious where they were coming from.

This is very important for the Pentagon. They need to jump to the front of the parade and claim victory against ISIL for the domestic US audience, who are oblivious to the fact that it was Russia and Iran who came in and routed ISIL.

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Shit- ISIL is run by zombies! Someone tell Donald Trump!

No, seriously, tell him. Please. I need the laughter.

The story likely boils down to “we blew up a car that contained someone who had a sim card we think he used”

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